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Achei a distro perfeita?

Esta secção do Forum é dedicada à partilha de xperiências com o nosso sistema. Você utiliza um determinado conjunto de programas (e de uma determinada maneira) para aumentar a sua produtividade, então partilhe essa informação!

Re: Achei a distro perfeita?

Mensagempor melmelmelina » Sáb, 30 de Novembro 2013, 0:38

Zilog, como faço pra dar todos os privilégios de root para um usuário?
Pois pra instalar o Unity, tenho que adicionar duas linhas, com o endereço dos repositórios no "pacman.conf", só que só dá pra fazer isso como root! Tentei usar aquele comando do ubuntu:
Código: Selecionar todos
sudo adduser $melmelmelina admin
mas o terminal só me respondeu
Código: Selecionar todos
sudo: adduser: comando não encontrado
Não sei o que fazer, só quero poder usar o Unity no meu manjaro :cry:

Mensagens: 127
Registrado em: 03 Novembro, 2013
Localização: Fortaleza, CE, Brasil

Re: Achei a distro perfeita?

Mensagempor zilog » Sáb, 30 de Novembro 2013, 13:06

melmelmelina (29-11-2013, 23:38) escreveu:Zilog, como faço pra dar todos os privilégios de root para um usuário?
Pois pra instalar o Unity, tenho que adicionar duas linhas, com o endereço dos repositórios no "pacman.conf", só que só dá pra fazer isso como root! Tentei usar aquele comando do ubuntu:
Código: Selecionar todos
sudo adduser $melmelmelina admin
mas o terminal só me respondeu
Código: Selecionar todos
sudo: adduser: comando não encontrado
Não sei o que fazer, só quero poder usar o Unity no meu manjaro :cry:

O comando para adicionar users é useradd.

Quando eu quero editar esse ficheiro faço:
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

Outras vezes inicio o Gestor de Ficheiros (PCManFM -> uso o LXDE) com o comando:
sudo pcmanfm

e depois tenho acesso root a todos os ficheiros. Não sei se é a maneira correcta de fazer isso, mas é assim que eu faço.

O Unity está no AUR. Para instalar basta fazer no terminal:
yaourt unity

e depois escolher quais os pacotes a instalar.

Espero ter ajudado.

PS: Conseguiste resolver o outro problema que deu?
Avatar do usuário
Mensagens: 102
Registrado em: 03 Junho, 2012
Localização: Santarém, Portugal

Re: Achei a distro perfeita?

Mensagempor melmelmelina » Sáb, 30 de Novembro 2013, 16:47

zilog (30-11-2013, 12:06) escreveu:
Quando eu quero editar esse ficheiro faço:
sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf

Mas como faz pra salvar essas modificações no terminal?

edit: sim, consegui resolver os outros problemas, com relação a atualização! Muito obrigada pela ajuda! Agora usei o comando yaourt unity que vocÊ falou, e está dando certo, estou instalando o unity!

Mensagens: 127
Registrado em: 03 Novembro, 2013
Localização: Fortaleza, CE, Brasil

Re: Achei a distro perfeita?

Mensagempor melmelmelina » Sáb, 30 de Novembro 2013, 18:03

Zilog, ele instalou o KDE! 8|
Agora eu oficialmente não entendi o que aconteceu!!!

Mensagens: 127
Registrado em: 03 Novembro, 2013
Localização: Fortaleza, CE, Brasil

Re: Achei a distro perfeita?

Mensagempor zilog » Sáb, 30 de Novembro 2013, 18:27

melmelmelina (30-11-2013, 17:03) escreveu:Zilog, ele instalou o KDE! 8|
Agora eu oficialmente não entendi o que aconteceu!!!

O problema pode ter sido este.

Quando fizeste:
yaourt unity

Apareceu uma lista enorme de pacotes que têm unity no nome ou descrição:
1 extra/kdebindings-korundum 4.11.3-1 (kdebindings)
Ruby bindings for libraries created by the KDE community
2 extra/kdeplasma-addons-applets-community 4.11.3-1 (kde kdeplasma-addons)
Communicate using the Social Desktop
3 extra/libtimezonemap 0.4.0-1 (unity)
GTK+3 timezone map widget
4 community/gtk-theme-adwaita-grn 20131008-1
A gtk2, gtk3, metacity, gnome-shell and unity theme...
5 community/gtk-theme-zukitwo 20131027-1
A theme for GTK3, GTK2, Metacity, xfwm4, Gnome Shell and Unity.
6 community/gtk-theme-zukiwi 20131027-1
A gtk2, gtk3, metacity, gnome-shell and unity theme...
7 community/intellij-idea-community-edition 12.1.6-1
IDE for Java, Groovy and other programming languages with advanced
refactoring features
8 community/tulliana-wallpapers 1.0-0
TR Community wallpapers for Manjaro
9 aur/alfresco-community-base 3.4.d-2 (1)
The most scalable Java content repository that runs on commodity hardware
and software.
10 aur/alfresco-community-dod5015 3.4.d-1 (0)
"""Records management module for Alfresco Content Management (DOD 5015).
11 aur/alfresco-community-spp 3.4.d-1 (0)
Sharepoint protocol package for Alfresco.
12 aur/alfresco-community-tomcat 3.3-1 (Out of Date) (7)
The Open Source Alternative for Enterprise Content Management. Apache
Tomcat included.
13 aur/alfresco-community-tomcat-es 3.3-1 (0)
Alfresco Community Tomcat Language Pack. Spanish.
14 aur/alfresco-community-tomcat-fr 3.3-1 (1)
Alfresco Community Tomcat Language Pack. French.
15 aur/alfresco-community-tomcat-it 3.3-1 (0)
Alfresco Community Tomcat Language Pack. Italian.
16 aur/alfresco-community-tomcat6 3.4.d-3 (2)
Installs the Alfresco instance in a Tomcat 6 servlet container.
17 aur/alykraft 1.5-2 (2)
Alykraft french community minecraft launcher
18 aur/ambiance-light-theme 1.2-2 (11)
An ambiance theme (gtk2,gtk3,metaicity,xfwm4 and unity), modified to look
like the version of natty.
19 aur/ambience-crunchy 136162-1 (1)
Ambiance like Theme for Openbox, Xfce, Gnome2/3, Unity/Gnome-Shell.
20 aur/apelsin 1.2.3-1 (1)
Server and community browser for the game Tremulous
21 aur/astah_community 6_7_0-2 (27)
Lightweight, easy-to-use, and free UML2.x modeler
22 aur/audio-recorder 1.3.3-1 (15)
An audio recorder application for the GNOME 3 and Ubuntu's Unity Desktops
23 aur/audio-recorder-bzr 329-1 (6)
Audio recorder for GNOME and Unity Desktops
24 aur/banshee-community-extensions 2.4.0-1 (151)
"Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions
to the Banshee media player that are community contributed and maintained"}
25 aur/banshee-community-extensions-git 20130110-1 (30)
Extensions to the Banshee media player that are community contributed and
26 aur/banshee-community-extensions.alarmclock 2.0.0-2 (1)
Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions to
the Banshee Media Player
27 aur/banshee-community-extensions.ampache 2.4.0-1 (5)
Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions to
the Banshee Media Player
28 aur/banshee-community-extensions.awn 2.0.0-1 (0)
Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions to
the Banshee Media Player
29 aur/banshee-community-extensions.coverwallpaper 2.0.0-1 (1)
Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions to
the Banshee Media Player
30 aur/banshee-community-extensions.jamendo 2.0.0-1 (2)
Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions to
the Banshee Media Player
31 aur/banshee-community-extensions.lastfmfingerprint 2.0.0-1 (1)
Banshee Community Extensions is a repository and project for extensions to
the Banshee Media Player
32 aur/cisco-auditing-tool 1-1 (17)
Perl script which scans cisco routers for common vulnerabilities. Checks
for default passwords, easily guessable community names, and the IOS
history bug. Includes support for plugins and scanning multiple hosts.
33 aur/compiz-core-unity-git 20110614-1 (15)
Compiz is an extensible window manager utilizing opengl for effects and
usability. Package meant for use with Unity.
34 aur/compizconfig-python-unity-git 20110210-1 (9)
Compizconfig bindings for python. Package meant for use with Unity.
35 aur/cuwo-scripts-git 5-1 (1)
Scripts created by the community for cuwo, the open Cube World server
36 aur/desura 1-19 (266)
A community-driven digital distribution service for gamers
37 aur/desurium 0.8.0_rc10-2 (11)
A community-driven digital distribution service for gamers (open source
38 aur/dsc-cassandra 2.0.2-1 (2)
DataStax Community Edition distribution of Apache Cassandra
39 aur/dsc-cassandra-1.2 1.2.11-1 (0)
DataStax Community Edition 1.2 distribution of Apache Cassandra
40 aur/dynamips-community 0.2.10-1 (31)
Cisco router emulator. Community version maintained by GNS3 team.
41 aur/emerald-theme-murrine-unity 20110222-1 (6)
A clean and simple Emerald theme intended to go with the Murrine-Unity GTK
42 aur/esteid-browser-plugin-svn 4011-6 (5)
Estonian ID-card Firefox plugin & extension (Community dev version)
43 aur/exaile-plugin-soundmenu-indicator-git current-1 (0)
MPRIS2 support for Exaile music player. It enables Exaile to be controlled
from Unity sound menu, Media Player extension for GNOME Shell, and other
clients using MPRIS v2.1 specification.
44 aur/firefox-extension-fxbutton-git v2.5.2.r14.gfd70ee7-1 (1)
Change menu and give an opportunity to move "Firefox" button.
45 aur/fortune-mod-ku-git 20120615-1 (4)
Fortune cookies from the & KERNEL ULTRAS community
46 aur/full-circle-notifier 1.0.3-1 (4)
A notifier for the popular FCM Ubuntu Community Magazine.
47 aur/glestadv 0.3.93-2 (5)
Glest Advanced Engine is a community driven project which extends and
improves on Glest.
48 aur/gnome-control-center-unity 1.2daily13.02.15-1 (2)
A set of settings panels for configuring the Unity desktop
49 aur/gnome-globalmenu-git 20111021-1 (69)
OSX/Unity-style global menu for GTK applications in the GNOME Shell
50 aur/greyness-gtk-theme 2.1-2 (1)
A grey GTK/Unity theme by CraazyT
51 aur/gtk-theme-ambiance-blue 2013.02.27-1 (7)
Ambiance Blue is a bluish variant of the Ambiance theme compatible with
both Gnome Shell and Unity.
52 aur/gtk-theme-ambiance-crunchy 136162-1 (3)
Ambiance like Theme for Openbox, Xfce, Gnome2/3, Unity/Gnome-Shell.
53 aur/gtk-theme-boje 1.2.0-1 (Out of Date) (28)
Boje Theme for gtk3, gtk2, gnome-shell, metacity, unity, xfwm4, openbox,
cinnamon and emerald
54 aur/gtk-theme-clearbird 1.3-1 (10)
A gtk2, gtk3, metacity, xfwm4, openbox and unity theme...
55 aur/gtk-theme-evolve 2013.10.30-1 (35)
A simple and minimal light theme designed to be easy on the eyes. Supports
Gnome Shell, Unity, Pantheon and Xfce.
56 aur/gtk-theme-gnome-cupertino-unity 2.1.1-1 (1)
Gnome Cupertino GTK3 theme for Unity
57 aur/gtk-theme-grayrevenge 1.7-1 (Out of Date) (21)
GrayRevenge is a complete suite for GNOME 3.4. GTK2, GTK3, Metacity,
Unity, Gnome-shell, Cinnamon, Xfwm themes. Slick, fast, and elegant.
58 aur/gtk-theme-lambda 20120802-1 (6)
GTK2/GTK3, Metacity, Unity and Xfwm4 theme. It's based upon the Zuktiwo
theme with some slight mods.
59 aur/gtk-theme-malys-future 2.0-1 (1)
Malys Future Theme for gtk3, gtk2, Unity, MATE
60 aur/gtk-theme-malys-revolt 2.0-1 (0)
Malys RevoLT Theme for gtk3, gtk2, Unity
61 aur/gtk-theme-murrine-unity 20110619-2 (44)
A clean and simple GTK theme using the Murrine engine and a matching
Metacity theme
62 aur/gtk-theme-numix-git 146.d782b3c-1 (29)
A flat and light theme with a modern look that support Openbox, Xfce,
Gnome, Unity and KDE
63 aur/gtk-theme-orion-git 48.70bef62-1 (5)
Modern light theme. It supports Gnome, Unity, XFCE and Openbox.
64 aur/gtk-theme-ubuntu-community 0.22.1-1 (25)
This package showcases desktop themes and window decorations created by
the Ubuntu artwork community.
65 aur/gtk-theme-winter-mint 1.0-2 (5)
A Darkish Theme with Grey Accents. (Supports: GNOME Shell, Unity,
Pantheon, Xfce and Openbox. Created for cinnamon-theme-winter-mint)
66 aur/gtk-theme-zukiwi 20130424-2 (17)
A gtk2, gtk3, metacity, gnome-shell and unity theme...
67 aur/hawkthorne-journey-git 20130331-1 (4)
This 2d platformer is based on Community's Digital Estate Planning
episode. It's built using the love game engine.
68 aur/indicator-bluetooth 0.0.6-3 (2)
Bluetooth indicator for Unity
69 aur/indicator-forceclose 12.02-1 (1)
AppIndicator used to force close an application for Unity Shell and
possible other DE's
70 aur/indicator-multiload 0.3-3 (0)
System Load indicator for Unity
71 aur/indicator-stickynotes 0.4.2-1 (3)
Sticky Notes AppIndicator for Unity Shell and possible other DE's
72 aur/indicator-webmonitor 0.1-1 (0)
Monitor web servers. App Indicator for Ubuntu Unity.
73 aur/ingres 9.3.0-1 (1)
Ingres DBMS Community Edition
74 aur/intellij-idea-11-community 11.1.5d-1 (1)
An intelligent IDE for Java, Groovy and other programming languages with
advanced refactoring features intensely focused on developer productivity.
75 aur/intellij-idea-12-community 12.1.6-1 (4)
An intelligent IDE for Java, Groovy and other programming languages with
advanced refactoring features intensely focused on developer productivity.
76 aur/intellij-idea-13-community 13.0rc3-1 (0)
An intelligent IDE for Java, Groovy and other programming languages with
advanced refactoring features intensely focused on developer productivity.
77 aur/intellij_idea_ce-x_eap 117.1034-1 (3)
Early access version of the upcoming Intellij Idea 11 Java IDE (community
version) with custom modifications
78 aur/intellij_idea_ce_12_eap 129.1359-1 (2)
Early access version of the upcoming Intellij Idea 12 Java IDE (community
79 aur/intellij_idea_ce_13_eap 133.124-1 (3)
Early access version of the upcoming Intellij Idea 13 Java IDE (community
80 aur/keebuntu-git 0.0.0-1 (0)
Adds an app indicator icon for keepass (for unity & cinnamon)
81 aur/kettle 4.4.0-1 (1)
Pentaho Data Integration Community Edition (Kettle) is an ETL tool
82 aur/lib32-libappindicator 12.10.0-2 (48)
Library to allow applications to export a menu into the Unity Menu bar
(GTK+ 2 library)
83 aur/libappindicator 12.10.0-1 (Out of Date) (95)
Library to allow applications to export a menu into the Unity Menu bar
(GTK+ 2 library)
84 aur/libappindicator1 12.10.0-1 (5)
Library to allow applications to export a menu into the Unity Menu bar
(GTK+ 2 library)
85 aur/libappindicator3 12.10.0-2 (71)
Library to allow applications to export a menu into the Unity Menu bar
(GTK+ 3 library)
86 aur/libcompizconfig-unity-git 20110210-1 (9)
Compiz configuration system library. Package meant for use with Unity.
87 aur/libdigidoc-svn 3575-1 (8)
C Library for client (Community dev version)
88 aur/libdigidocpp-svn 3786-1 (6)
C++ Library for client (Community dev version)
89 aur/librecad 2.0.0rc3-1 (87)
A 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCad
90 aur/librecad-git 20130302-1 (45)
A 2D CAD drawing tool based on the community edition of QCad.
91 aur/libreoffice-extension-menubar 0.1.1-1 (Out of Date) (34)
A small plugin for LibreOffice to export the menus from the application
into Unity's menubar
92 aur/libunity 6.12.0-3 (75)
Library for instrumenting and integrating with all aspects of the Unity
93 aur/libunity-bzr 309-1 (1)
A library for instrumenting- and integrating with all aspects of the Unity
94 aur/libunity-misc 4.0.4-2 (40)
Misc. differently licensed stuff for Unity
95 aur/libunity-misc-bzr 11-1 (1)
Misc. differently licensed stuff for Unity (Canonical Ayatana Project)
96 aur/lightdm-unity-greeter 13.10.2-100 (38)
The greeter (login screen) application for Unity. It is implemented as a
LightDM greeter.
97 aur/magento (2)
Magento Community Edition - PHP based e-commerce
98 aur/magento2 (0)
Magento Community Edition v2 - PHP based e-commerce
99 aur/maltego (27)
Maltego Radium Community Edition - an open source intelligence and
forensics application, enabling to easily gather information about DNS,
domains, IP addresses, websites, persons, etc.
100 aur/mediterraneannight-theme 2.03-2 (124)
A gtk3, gtk2, metacity, xfwm4 and unity theme (variation of 'Adwaita
101 aur/membase-server-community (2)
Memcached-compatible distributed, key-value database management system
optimized for storing data behind interactive web applications
102 aur/nexmappack 2.0-1 (83)
Community map pack for Nexuiz
103 aur/nightingale 1.12-3 (29)
Community port of Songbird to be more Linux native, up to date, and
104 aur/nightingale-git c162124-2 (37)
Community port of Songbird to be more Linux native, up to date, and open.
105 aur/nux-bzr 361-1 (9)
An OpenGL toolkit (for Unity)
106 aur/oce-git 0.8.0-1 (1)
Open CASCADE Community edition
107 aur/oh-my-zsh-git 1977.0d36ecf-1 (78)
A community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration.
108 aur/openbox-theme-murrine-unity 20110222-1 (8)
A clean and simple Openbox theme intended to go with the Murrine-Unity GTK
109 aur/openscam 0.0.11-2 (2)
Open-Source software which can simulate 3-axis NC machining. It is a fast,
flexible and user friendly simulation software for the DIY and Open-Source
110 aur/orientdb-community 1.6-1 (3)
The Graph-Document NoSQL - Community Edition
111 aur/otf-stix 2:1.1.0-1 (62)
A comprehensive set of fonts that serve the scientific and engineering
112 aur/owncloud-git 20131031-1 (49)
ownCloud is part of the Social Desktop, a project connecting you with your
peers in the community
113 aur/phylocom 4.2-1 (0)
Calculates metrics of phylogenetic and phenotypic community structure
114 aur/power-commands (1)
Dash-unity--Commands to shutdown PC
115 aur/pycharm-community 3.0.1-1 (50)
Powerful Python and Django IDE. Community edition.
116 aur/python-astropy 0.3-1 (1)
A community python library for astronomy
117 aur/python2-astropy 0.3-1 (3)
A community python library for astronomy
118 aur/python2-unity-singlet 0.3-100 (2)
Python library for building simple Unity lenses and scopes
119 aur/qdigidoc-svn 3911-2 (7)
Client for (Community dev version)
120 aur/qemu-linaro 1.5.0_2013.06-1 (5)
Community Improvements on A generic and open source processor emulator
which achieves a good emulation speed by using dynamic translation.
121 aur/qesteidutil-svn 3902-2 (8)
Estonian ID-card utility (Community dev version)
122 aur/qle-quicklist-editor 1.0.6-1 (0)
Unity quicklist editor
123 aur/qtfm-svn 20130525-1 (6)
A lightweight, multi-platform, and open source file manager. This package
contains the latest version of QtFM, please use it instead of qtfm package
in community.
124 aur/ruby-savon-1.2 1.2.0-2 (1)
Delicious SOAP for the Ruby community (1.x series)
125 aur/sketch 0.3.7-1 (22)
Free Graphics Software for the TeX, LaTeX, and PSTricks Community
126 aur/skype-wrapper-bzr 20120907-2 (1)
Integrates Skype with Unity
127 aur/smartcardpp-svn 3982-1 (5)
Library for Estonian ID-card (Community dev version)
128 aur/snowglobe-bin (8)
Snowglobe is an open source Second Life-compatible viewer, built jointly
by the open source community and Linden Lab. (Binary version).
129 aur/spike 2.9-2 (3)
IMMUNITYsec's fuzzer creation kit in C
130 aur/sugar 0.98.7-2 (27)
Sugar is the core component of a worldwide effort to provide every child
with equal opportunity for a quality education
131 aur/sumlauncher 3.0.4-2 (4)
SUMLauncher is a tool for managing your overgrowth installation that was
created by the members of the Overgrowth community.
132 aur/texlive-czt 1.3-1 (0)
A LaTeX package for Z specifications intended for use with Community Z
Tools (CZT)
133 aur/thunderbird-indicator 1.3-1 (9)
This extension will integrate Thunderbird nicely with Unity's Messaging
134 aur/trec_eval 9.0-2 (1)
Tool used by the TREC community for evaluating an ad hoc retrieval run
135 aur/tremfusion 0.99r3-13 (20)
Community updated Tremulous client.
136 aur/tremfusion-hg 20091030-2 (8)
Community updated Tremulous client (devel)
137 aur/tremulous 1.1.0-10 (5)
Free team based FPS/RTS hybrid built on the ioq3 engine (includes
community updates)
138 aur/trytond-sale-opportunity 3.0.0-1 (0)
The sale_opportunity module of the Tryton application platform
139 aur/tworld2-levels-cclp 1-2 (0)
Official community levels for Chips Challenge
140 aur/ubuntu-maverick-set 0.1.8-1 (19)
ubuntu maverick: backgrounds, comunity themes, & icons. I mixed them to
make this package.
141 aur/ubuntu-style-icon-theme 1.3.3-1 (0)
This universal set of icons has been specially created for the new Kubuntu
(Ubuntu) interface and can operate in work environments KDE, Gnome, Unity,
Xfce and LXDE.
142 aur/unitary-gnome 1.1-1 (3)
Unity-2D Launcher for Gnome Shell
143 aur/unity 6.12.0-7 (57)
Desktop experience designed for efficiency of space and interaction
144 aur/unity-2d 5.2.1-1 (16)
A 2d implementation of Unity
145 aur/unity-asset-pool 0.8.24-2 (24)
Design assets for Unity
146 aur/unity-asset-pool-bzr 53-2 (2)
Design assets for Unity
147 aur/unity-gtk-module 0.0.0-1 (0)
Unity GTK+ Module
148 aur/unity-lens-applications 6.10.0-2 (8)
Exposes your applications with their usage statistics and status to Unity
149 aur/unity-lens-files 6.6.1-2 (7)
Daemon exposing your files and file history to Unity
150 aur/unity-lens-gwibber 3.6.0-1 (4)
Microblogging lens for Unity
151 aur/unity-lens-music 6.8.1-2 (5)
Music, in the dash
152 aur/unity-lens-photos 0.9-3 (4)
All your photos, in the Dash
153 aur/unity-lens-shopping 6.8.0-2 (1)
Gives you more suggestions when searching Unity
154 aur/unity-lens-utilities 0.1-1 (0)
Unity Utilities Lens
155 aur/unity-lens-video 0.3.14-2 (4)
Lens for Unity to search local and remote videos
156 aur/unity-place-applications-bzr 209-1 (1)
A daemon that exposes you applications with their usage statistics and
status to Unity
157 aur/unity-place-files-bzr 171-1 (1)
A daemon exposing your files and file history to Unity
158 aur/unity-scope-calculator 0.1-1 (0)
Unity Calculator Scope
159 aur/unity-scope-gdocs 0.7-1 (3)
Unity Lens that allows you to browse and search your Google Documents
160 aur/unity-scope-video-remote 0.3.10-1 (3)
Videos Lens scope for online sources
161 aur/unity-system-compositor-bzr 25-1 (0)
System compositor for Ubuntu
162 aur/unity2d-bzr 631-1 (5)
unity-2d project is a 2d implementation of Unity
163 aur/unityscript-git 59351c9-1 (1)
A JavaScript implementation based on the Boo programming language.
164 aur/ut2004-cbp 1-1 (3)
Community Bonus Pack 1 & 2 for Unreal Tournament 2004 (ut2004)
165 aur/vangers-community-rus svn238-3 (9)
Vangers Open Beta Game, svn283 binary build, russian.
166 aur/vlcskineditor 0.8.5-1 (7)
The VLC Skin Editor aims at giving designers an easy opportunity to create
skins for the VLC Media Player
167 aur/vnsupport-svn 156-2 (0)
A community supported library to communicate with products developed by
VectorNav Technologies
168 aur/wagic-svn 0.17-4 (0)
Wagic is an internationally acclaimed open source Trading Card Game
simulation, made by card games fans and backed up by a large community of
players and modders.
169 aur/wahjam-git 20111218-2 (1)
A program to allow people to make real music together via the Internet;
client and server; community developed version of ninjam from git
170 aur/wow-2-themes 20121229-3 (49)
Nice looking theme collection for GTK3, GTK2, Metacity, Unity, Xfwm4,
Openbox, Emerald and Chrome/Chromium
171 aur/xfce-theme-murrine-unity 20110416-2 (21)
A clean and simple Xfwm4 which matches the Murrine Unity GTK theme
172 aur/zend-server-ce 5.0.2-1 (Out of Date) (8)
Zend Server Community Edition (CE) is a high-performance, reliable PHP
Application Server that is absolutely free to use in development or in
173 aur/zsce-core 6.0-2 (9)
Zend Server Community Edition (CE) is a high-performance, reliable PHP
Application Server that is absolutely free to use in development or in
174 aur/zukini-theme 20120817-2 (63)
A gtk2, gtk3, metacity, gnome-shell and unity theme...
175 aur/zukitwo-themes 20131107-1 (502)
A theme for GTK3, GTK2, Metacity, xfwm4, Gnome Shell and Unity.

Depois tens que escolher qual o número ou números dos pacotes a instalar, no caso do Unity deve de ser o 143 que diz:
143 aur/unity 6.12.0-7 (57)
Desktop experience designed for efficiency of space and interaction

O que aconteceu foi que, ou escolheste um número que ia instalar um pacote que necessitava do KDE e instalou também o KDE, ou não escolheste nenhum e instalou todos os pacotes.

Não sei qual a versão do Unity no Ubuntu, mas no site do AUR, a versão do Unity é a 6.12.0-7 e está marcada como desactualizada desde o dia 02-09-2013.
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