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Mostre o seu Desktop!

Apresente aqui temas que gostou, skins de programas, ícones, wallpapers, conky's, etc. Ou seja, tudo o que possa alterar de estético no seu Ubuntu, apresente aqui. Em caso de dúvidas de personalização ou se quiser mostrá-la ao mundo, utilize esta secção!

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 21:10

Beautiful Flower

  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: round-ad
  • Ícones: Tok tok
  • Wallpaper: ... lerxyd.jpg
  • AWN;
  • Covergloobus: Mirror;
  • Conky;
    override_utf8_locale yes
    use_spacer none
    use_xft yes
    xftfont Sans:size=12
    xftalpha 0.1
    uppercase no
    color1 AntiqueWhite2
    color2 DarkSlateGray

    double_buffer yes
    minimum_size 250 300
    no_buffers yes
    update_interval 2

    own_window yes
    own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
    own_window_type override
    #own_window_argb_visual yes
    #own_window_argb_value 20
    own_window_transparent yes

    border_inner_margin 0
    border_width 0
    draw_borders no
    draw_shades no
    stippled_borders 0

    default_color 696969
    default_outline_color 1E1C1A
    default_shade_color white
    own_window_colour 000000

    alignment top_right
    gap_x 20
    gap_y 10

    cpu_avg_samples 1
    net_avg_samples 1
    no_buffers yes
    text_buffer_size 1024

    short_units true

    #Lua Scripts
    #lua_load ~/.conkygui/scripts/main.lua
    #lua_draw_hook_pre pre
    #lua_draw_hook_post post

    ## Times ##
    ${voffset -4}${if_match ${time %l}<=9}${font RadioSpace:size=32}${color1}${alignc 2}${time %k:%M%p }${else}${if_match ${time %l}>=10}${font RadioSpace:size=32}${color1}${alignc 2}${time %k:%M%p}${endif}${endif}
    ${voffset -35}${font LiberationSans:size=8}${color1}${alignc 5}Sunrise${offset 1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=SR --startday=1}${color1}${offset 2}|${offset 2}${color1}Sunset${offset 1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=SS --startday=1}

    ## CALENDAR & DATE ##
    ${color 00BFFF}${font StyleBats:bold:size=10}u${voffset -4}${goto 30}${font Arial:bold:size=10}CALENDAR ${color2}${hr 2}
    ${voffset 10}${font :bold:size=8}${color1}${goto 192}${time %A}
    ${font :bold:size=16}${goto 192}${time %d}${font}
    ${font :bold:size=10}${goto 192}${time %b}
    ${font :bold:size=8}${goto 192}${time %Y}

    ${voffset -100}${font DejaVu Sans Mono :size=8}
    ${execpi 60 DJS=`date +%_d`; ncal -C -h | sed '1d' | sed '/./!d' | sed 's/$/ /' | fold -w 21 | sed -n '/^.\{21\}/p' | sed 's/^/ /' | sed /" $DJS "/s/" $DJS "/" "'${color FFFF00}'"$DJS"'${color1}'" "/}

    ## Atmosphere ##
    ${color 00BFFF}${font Martin Vogel's Symbols:bold:size=10}m${voffset -2}${goto 30}${font Arial:bold:size=10}ATMOSPHERE ${color2}${hr 2}
    ${voffset 3}${font Vibrocentric:italic:bold:size=11}${color 00BFFF}${alignc}Current Forecast
    ${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}${voffset 7}${goto 75}${color1}${font Weather:size=22}y${voffset -3}${alignc -5}${font RadioSpace:size=16}${color1} ${execpi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232}
    ${voffset -10}${font LiberationSans:size=10}${color1}${alignc}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=CT}
    ${voffset -5}${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}${goto 32}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=0 --shortweekday}
    ${voffset 3}${goto 20}${font ConkyWeather:size=32}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WF --startday=0}
    ${voffset -20}${goto 22}${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=0 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=0 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}
    #two graphics on right
    ${voffset -64}${goto 110}${font ConkyWeather:style=Bold:size=32}${color1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WF}${goto 185}${voffset -6}${font ConkyWindNESW:style=Bold:size=32}${color1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=BS}
    #two text on right
    ${voffset -9}${goto 95}${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}Feels like ${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --centeredwidth=4 -iu}${goto 188}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WS}

    ${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}${voffset 2}Barometro: ${goto 90}${execpi 300 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=BR } (${execpi 300 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=BD})
    ${voffset 2}Poss de chuva:${goto 90}${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=PC --startday=0 -iu}${goto 145}Dew Point: ${alignr}${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DP }
    ${voffset 2}Humidade:${goto 90}${execpi 300 conkyForecast –location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HM}${goto 145}Visibilidade:${alignr}${execpi 300 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=VI }
    ${color2}${hr 2}
    ${font Vibrocentric:italic:bold:size=11}${color 00BFFF}${alignc}Extended Forecast
    ${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}${voffset 10}${goto 30}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday}${goto 83}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=2 --shortweekday}${goto 136}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=3 --shortweekday}${goto 192}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=4 --shortweekday}
    ${goto 20}${font ConkyWeather:size=32}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WF --startday=1 --endday=4 --spaces=1}
    ${goto 22}${voffset -30}${font Vibrocentric:size=8}${color1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=1 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=1 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}${goto 76}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=2 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=2 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}${goto 130}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=3 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=3 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}${goto 185}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=4 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=4 --hideunits --centeredwidth=4 -iu}
    ${voffset 3}${goto 34}${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=PC --startday=1 --endday=4 --spaces=10 -iu}${color}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 21:38


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: Orta
  • Ícones: Alpha-1
  • Wallpaper: ... yforce.jpg
  • AWN;
  • Covergloobus: Nano_6g;
  • Conky;
    ## emk2203 (based on VinDSL) ##
    ## Version 0.2 2010-11-23

    ## Use XFT? Required to force UTF 8 (see below).
    use_xft yes
    xftfont LiberationSans:size=9
    xftalpha 0.1
    text_buffer_size 2048

    ## Force UTF8? Requires XFT (see above).
    ## Displays degree symbol etc.
    override_utf8_locale yes

    ## Update interval in seconds.
    update_interval 2

    ## This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    # Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times 0

    ## Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)?
    own_window yes
    #own_window_type desktop
    #own_window_transparent yes
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_argb_value 0

    ## Use double buffering? Reduces flicker.
    double_buffer yes

    ## Draw shades?
    draw_shades no

    ## Draw outlines?
    draw_outline no

    ## Draw borders around text?
    draw_borders no

    ## Draw borders around graphs?
    draw_graph_borders no

    ## Print text to stdout?
    ## Print text to console?
    out_to_ncurses no
    out_to_console no

    ## Text alignment.
    alignment top_right

    ## Minimum size of text area.
    minimum_size 245 0
    # maximum_width 250

    ## Specify width and height for bars.
    default_bar_size 0 5

    ## Gap between screen borders and text.
    gap_x 10
    gap_y 1

    ## Shorten MiB etc. to M etc. in stats
    short_units yes

    ## Pad % symbol spacing after numbers.
    pad_percents 0

    ## Limit the length of names in "Top Processes".
    top_name_width 10

    ## Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
    ## Set to yes to produce meaningful phys memory stats.
    no_buffers yes

    ## Set to yes, if you want all text to be in uppercase.
    uppercase no

    ## Number of cpu samples to average.
    # Set to 1 to disable averaging.
    cpu_avg_samples 2

    ## Number of net samples to average.
    # Set to 1 to disable averaging.
    net_avg_samples 2

    ## Add spaces to keep things from moving around?
    ## Only affects certain objects.
    use_spacer right

    ## My colors
    color0 White
    color1 Ivory
    color2 Ivory2
    color3 Ivory3
    color4 Tan1
    color5 Tan2
    color6 Gray
    color7 AntiqueWhite4
    color8 DarkSlateGray
    color9 Black


    ## LOGO ##
    ${voffset -42}${font OpenLogos:size=103}${color2}v${voffset -66}${goto 178}${font UbuntuTitleBold:size=20}${color4}11.04
    ## SYSTEM ##
    ${voffset 10}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}SYSTEM ${color8} ${hr 2}
    ${voffset 4}${font OpenLogos:size=10}${color2}u${voffset -4}${font}${color6} ${sysname} ${kernel} ${alignr} ${machine}
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}A${voffset -1}${font}${color6} Intel Core2Duo L6400 ${alignr}${freq_g cpu0} GHz
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}q${voffset -1}${font}${color6} Tempo ${alignr}${uptime}
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}o${voffset -1}${font}${color6} Sistema de Arquivos ${alignr}${fs_type}
    ## PROCESSORS ##
    ${voffset 5}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}PROCESSADOR ${color8}${hr 2}
    #${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}k${voffset -2}${font}${color6} CPU1 ${cpu cpu1}%${color7}${alignc 35}${cpubar cpu1}
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}k${voffset -2}${font}${color6} CPU1 ${cpu cpu1}%${alignr 5}${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}k${voffset -2}${font}${color6} CPU2 ${cpu cpu2}%
    CPU ${exec sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c2-3}°C${goto 95}GPU ${execi 60 nvidia-settings -query GPUCoreTemp | perl -ne 'print $1 if /GPUCoreTemp.*?: (\d+)./;'} °C"${alignr}MBD ${exec sensors | grep "MB Temp" | cut -b 21-22} °C
    CPU ${goto 115}${cpugraph cpu0 10,100 B7B2AD B7B2AD}
    #${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}k${voffset -2}${font}${color6} CPU2 ${cpu cpu2}%${color7}${alignc 35}${cpubar cpu2}
    ## MEMORY ##
    ${voffset 2}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}MEMÒRIA ${color8}${hr 2}
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}l${voffset -2}${font}${color6} RAM ${goto 95}${mem}/ ${memmax}${alignr}${memperc}%
    ## HDD ##
    ${voffset 2}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}HD ${color8}${hr 2}
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}x${voffset -2}${font}${color6} ROOT ${goto 95}${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /}%
    ${color7}${fs_bar /}
    ${voffset 1}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}x${voffset -2}${font}${color6} HOME ${goto 95}${fs_used /home}/ ${fs_size /home}${alignr}${fs_free_perc /home}%
    ${color7}${fs_bar /home}
    ${voffset 1}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color2}4${voffset -2}${font}${color6} SWAP ${goto 95}${swap} / ${swapmax}${alignr}${swapperc}
    ${voffset 3}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}PROCESSOS ${color8}${hr 2}
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color1}h${voffset -3}${font}${color6} ${top_mem name 1}${goto 115}${top_mem mem_res 1}${alignr}${top_mem mem 1}%
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color1}h${voffset -3}${font}${color6} ${top_mem name 2}${goto 115}${top_mem mem_res 2}${alignr}${top_mem mem 2}%
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color1}h${voffset -3}${font}${color6} ${top_mem name 3}${goto 115}${top_mem mem_res 3}${alignr}${top_mem mem 3}%
    ${voffset 2}${font StyleBats:size=10}${color1}h${voffset -3}${font}${color6} ${top_mem name 4}${goto 115}${top_mem mem_res 4}${alignr}${top_mem mem 4}%
    ## NETWORKS ##
    ${voffset 5}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}NETWORKS ${color8}${hr 2}
    ${voffset 2}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}${color2}a${font}${color6} Private IP via eth0 ${alignr}${addr eth0}
    ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}${color2}a${font}${color6} Public IP${alignr}${execi 600 wget -q -O - | sed -e 's/[^[:digit:]\|.]//g'}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}${color2}T${font}${color6} Down${goto 115}${downspeedgraph eth0 10,100 B7B2AD B7B2AD}${alignr}${downspeed eth0}
    ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}${color2}N${font}${color6} Up${goto 115}${upspeedgraph eth0 10,100 B7B2AD B7B2AD}${alignr}${upspeed eth0}
    ${voffset 4}${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}${color2}T${font}${color6} Downloaded${alignr}${totaldown eth0}
    ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=10}${color2}N${font}${color6} Uploaded${alignr}${totalup eth0}
    ## WEATHER ##
    ${voffset 5}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}WETTER ${color8}${hr 2}
    ${goto 59}${font Weather:size=40}${color1}y${voffset -8}${font RadioSpace:size=32}${color3}${offset 14}${execpi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232}
    ${voffset -17}${font Arial:size=22}${color4}${alignc}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=CT}
    ${voffset 7}${goto 20}${font ConkyWindNESW:style=Bold:size=38}${color2}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=BS}${goto 96}${voffset -5}${font ConkyWeather:style=Bold:size=40}${color2}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WF}${voffset -2}${goto 180}${font MoonPhases:size=30}${color2}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=MF}
    ${voffset -20}${goto 30}${font}${color2}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WS}${goto 86}Sensação ${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --centeredwidth=4 -u}${goto 182}Lunar
    ${voffset 10}${goto 30}${font}${color2}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=1 --shortweekday}${goto 83}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=2 --shortweekday}${goto 136}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=3 --shortweekday}${goto 192}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=DW --startday=4 --shortweekday}
    ${goto 20}${font}${color2}${font ConkyWeather:size=32}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WF --startday=1 --endday=4 --spaces=1}
    ${goto 22}${voffset -30}${font}${color2}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=1 --centeredwidth=4 -u}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=1 --centeredwidth=4 -u}${goto 76}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=2 --centeredwidth=4 -u}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=2 --centeredwidth=4 -u}${goto 130}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=3 --centeredwidth=4 -u}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=3 --centeredwidth=4 -u}${goto 185}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HT --startday=4 --centeredwidth=4 -u}/${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LT --startday=4 --centeredwidth=4 -u}
    ## TIME ##
    ${voffset 5}${font Arial:bold:size=10}${color4}TIME ${color8}${hr 2}
    ${voffset -4}${if_match ${time %k}<=9}${font RadioSpace:size=32}${color3}${alignc 2}${time %k:%M%p }${else}${if_match ${time %k}>=10}${font RadioSpace:size=32}${color3}${alignc 2}${time %k:%M%p}${endif}${endif}
    ${voffset -10}${font LiberationSans:bold:size=8}${color4}${alignc 5}Nascer do Sol${offset 1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=SR --startday=1}${color3}${offset 2}|${offset 2}${color4}Pôr do Sol${offset 1}${execi 600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=SS --startday=1}
    ${voffset -28}${font}${color4}${alignc}${time %A},${font}${color4}${offset 5}${time %e. %b. %Y}
    ## CALENDAR ##
    ${voffset 4}${color0}${font RsbillsDng:size=40}O${voffset 10}${font Liberation Mono:size=7}${color4}${execpi 600 DJS=`date +%_d`; ncal -C -h | sed 's/^/${alignc} /' | sed s/" $DJS "/" "'${font Liberation Mono:size=8}${color8}'"$DJS"'${color4}${font}${font Liberation Mono:size=8}'" "/}${font}${font}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Claudio Novais » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 22:34

@Roger, gostei muito desse Beautiful Flower, Parabéns! :yeah:
Avatar do usuário
Claudio Novais
Editor do Ubuntued
Mensagens: 16869
Registrado em: 25 Maio, 2011

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 22:55

Claudio Novais » Ter Nov 08, 2011 7:34 pm escreveu:@Roger, gostei muito desse Beautiful Flower, Parabéns! :yeah:

Obrigado Cláudio tenho visto uma maior participação dos integrantes do fórum na área de desktop aproveito esta para parabenizá-lo pelo software de postagem esta ótimo, muito bom trabalho esta dando para notar o aumento de postagens do usuários iniciantes, um grande abraço.


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Di' stante » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 22:56

rrack, verifiquei os pacotes, todos estão devidamente instalados assim como as fontes - quando executo o conky no terminal recebo a seguinte mensagem: conky -c logoth/conkyrc
Código: Selecionar todos
Conky: llua_load: /home/distante/logoth/conky_widgets.lua:118: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 117) near 'cairo_stroke'
Conky: one or more $endif's are missing
Conky: desktop window (1a000a5) is subwindow of root window (ab)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x3400001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
ncal: opção -- 'C' inválida
usage: cal [-hjy] [[month] year]
       cal [-hj] [-m month] [year]
       ncal [-hJjpwy3MS] [-s country_code] [[month] year]
       ncal [-hJeo] [year]
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value

Agradeço pela atenção.

P.S; Não sei como postar um print aqui, logo envio-lhe um link:
Avatar do usuário
Di' stante
Mensagens: 130
Registrado em: 24 Setembro, 2011

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 22:57


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: OrangeLiNstaBlackPlastic
  • Ícones: Drakfire Evolution (white-black tray)
  • Wallpaper: ... er1680.jpg
  • AWN;
  • Conky;
    # -- Conky settings -- #
    background no
    update_interval 1

    cpu_avg_samples 2
    net_avg_samples 2

    override_utf8_locale yes

    double_buffer yes
    no_buffers yes

    text_buffer_size 2048
    imlib_cache_size 0

    # -- Window specifications -- #

    own_window yes
    own_window_type normal
    own_window_class Conky
    own_window_argb_visual yes
    own_window_argb_value 0
    own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

    border_inner_margin 0
    border_outer_margin 0

    minimum_size 500 1050
    maximum_width 500

    alignment tr
    gap_x 0
    gap_y 0

    # -- Graphics settings -- #
    draw_shades no
    draw_outline no
    draw_borders no
    draw_graph_borders no

    # -- Text settings -- #
    use_xft yes
    xftfont ubuntu:size=10
    xftalpha 0.8

    uppercase no

    ## Draw borders around graphs?
    draw_graph_borders yes

    default_color 000000
    crdownload file
    ## My colors.
    color0 White
    color1 Ivory
    color2 Ivory2
    color3 Ivory3
    color4 f47421
    color5 dd3a21
    color6 eeeeee
    color7 AntiqueWhite4
    color8 000000
    color9 Black

    # -- Lua Load -- #
    lua_load ~/c12/conky_widgets00.lua
    lua_draw_hook_pre widgets

    ${alignr 5}${voffset 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10} Uptime : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${uptime}
    ${alignr 5}${voffset 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}External IP : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${execi 3600 wget -O - | tail}
    ${alignr 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}LAN IP : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${addr eth0}
    ${alignr 5}${voffset 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}Downloaded : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${totaldown eth0}${font}
    ${alignr 5}${downspeedgraph eth0 20,132 FFD700 FFD700 -t}${font}
    ${alignr 10}${voffset -28}${font}${color8}Down: ${downspeed eth0}${font}
    ${alignr 5}${voffset 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}Uploaded : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${totalup eth0}${font}
    ${alignr 5}${upspeedgraph eth0 20,132 FFD700 FFD700 -t}${font}
    ${alignr 10}${voffset -28}${color8}Up: ${upspeed eth0}${font}
    ${alignr 18}${voffset 10}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=14}Temps${font}
    ${alignr 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}CPU : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${exec sensors | grep 'Core 0' | awk '{print $3}' | cut -c2-3}°C
    ${alignr 5}${font Ubuntu:bold:size=10}HDD1 : ${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${exec hddtemp /dev/sda -n --unit=C}°C

    ${alignr 12}${voffset 12}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=14}CPU
    ${alignr -5}${voffset -2}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${cpu cpu1}%
    ${alignr 5}${voffset 4}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${cpu cpu2}%
    ${alignr 12}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=14}${voffset 4}RAM
    ${alignr -7}${voffset -2}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}${memperc}%
    ${alignr 12}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=14}${voffset 4}HDD
    ${alignr -7}${voffset -1}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}Root
    ${alignr 5}${voffset 3}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}Home
    ${alignr 5}${voffset 3}${font Ubuntu:normal:size=10}System

    Conky Widgets by londonali1010 (2009)

    This script is meant to be a "shell" to hold a suite of widgets for use in Conky.

    To configure:
    + Copy the widget's code block (will be framed by --(( WIDGET NAME )) and --(( END WIDGET NAME )), with "[" instead of "(") somewhere between "require 'cairo'" and "function conky_widgets()", ensuring not to paste into another widget's code block
    + To call the widget, add the following just before the last "end" of the entire script:
    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    + Replace OPTIONS with the options for your widget (should be specified in the widget's code block)

    Call this script in Conky using the following before TEXT (assuming you save this script to ~/scripts/conky_widgets.lua):
    lua_load ~/scripts/conky_widgets.lua
    lua_draw_hook_pre widgets

    + v1.0 -- Original release (17.10.2009)

    require 'cairo'

    --[[ RING WIDGET ]]
    --[[ Options (name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle):
    "name" is the type of stat to display; you can choose from 'cpu', 'memperc', 'fs_used_perc', 'battery_used_perc'.
    "arg" is the argument to the stat type, e.g. if in Conky you would write ${cpu cpu0}, 'cpu0' would be the argument. If you would not use an argument in the Conky variable, use ''.
    "max" is the maximum value of the ring. If the Conky variable outputs a percentage, use 100.
    "bg_colour" is the colour of the base ring.
    "bg_alpha" is the alpha value of the base ring.
    "fg_colour" is the colour of the indicator part of the ring.
    "fg_alpha" is the alpha value of the indicator part of the ring.
    "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the centre of the ring, relative to the top left corner of the Conky window.
    "radius" is the radius of the ring.
    "thickness" is the thickness of the ring, centred around the radius.
    "start_angle" is the starting angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative.
    "end_angle" is the ending angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative, but must be larger (e.g. more clockwise) than start_angle. ]]

    function ring(cr, name, arg, max, bgc, bga, fgc, fga, xc, yc, r, t, sa, ea)
    local function rgb_to_r_g_b(colour,alpha)
    return ((colour / 0x10000) % 0x100) / 255., ((colour / 0x100) % 0x100) / 255., (colour % 0x100) / 255., alpha

    local function draw_ring(pct)
    local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2
    local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2
    local pct_arc=pct*(angle_f-angle_0)

    -- Draw background ring


    -- Draw indicator ring


    local function setup_ring()
    local str = ''
    local value = 0

    str = string.format('${%s %s}', name, arg)
    str = conky_parse(str)

    value = tonumber(str)
    if value == nil then value = 0 end
    pct = value/max


    local updates=conky_parse('${updates}')

    if update_num>5 then setup_ring() end

    --[[ END RING WIDGET ]]

    function conky_widgets()
    if conky_window == nil then return end
    local cs = cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display, conky_window.drawable, conky_window.visual, conky_window.width, conky_window.height)

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'time', '', 100, 0xffffff, 0.6, 0xFFD700, 0.6, 507, 0, 220, 460, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'cpu', 'cpu1', 100, 0x000000, 0.2, 0xFFD700, 1.0, 507, 0, 275, 20, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'cpu', 'cpu0', 100, 0x000000, 0.2, 0xFFD700, 1.0, 507, 0, 295, 20, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'memperc', '', 100, 0x000000, 0.2, 0xFFD700, 0.8, 507, 0, 340, 20, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'fs_used_perc', '/', 100, 0x000000, 0.2, 0xFFD700, 0.6, 507, 0, 385, 20, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'fs_used_perc', '/home', 100, 0x000000, 0.2, 0xFFD700, 0.6, 507, 0, 405, 20, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle

    cr = cairo_create(cs)
    ring(cr, 'fs_used_perc', '/root', 100, 0x000000, 0.2, 0xFFD700, 0.6, 507, 0, 425, 20, 180, 270) -- options: name, arg, max, bg_colour, bg_alpha, fg_colour, fg_alpha, xc, yc, radius, thickness, start_angle, end_angle



:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 23:03

Di' stante » Ter Nov 08, 2011 7:56 pm escreveu:rrack, verifiquei os pacotes, todos estão devidamente instalados assim como as fontes - quando executo o conky no terminal recebo a seguinte mensagem: conky -c logoth/conkyrc
Código: Selecionar todos
Conky: llua_load: /home/distante/logoth/conky_widgets.lua:118: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 117) near 'cairo_stroke'
Conky: one or more $endif's are missing
Conky: desktop window (1a000a5) is subwindow of root window (ab)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x3400001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
ncal: opção -- 'C' inválida
usage: cal [-hjy] [[month] year]
       cal [-hj] [-m month] [year]
       ncal [-hJjpwy3MS] [-s country_code] [[month] year]
       ncal [-hJeo] [year]
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value

Agradeço pela atenção.

P.S; Não sei como postar um print aqui, logo envio-lhe um link:

no seu conky altere essa linha
${voffset 4}${color0}${font RsbillsDng:size=20}O${font}${color3}${voffset -4}${font Liberation Mono:size=8}${execpi 10800 DJS=`date +%_d`; ncal -C -h | sed 's/^/${alignc} /' | sed s/" $DJS "/" "'${font Liberation
aonde esta ncal -C -h apenas deixe cal
o erro esta no calendário meu e so corrigir e ira funcionar aproveitando muito bonito seu walppaper


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor ehrickwilliam » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 23:17

  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot)
  • Tema: Elementary
  • Ícones: Faenza
  • Wallpaper:
  • Outros:
    • Docky: Transparent;
    • Gloobus Previen;
    • Cooverglobus : Mirro;
    • Gnome Shell: Zukitwo;
    • Conky
      # Conky configuration
      # Edited by mmesantos1 2011

      # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
      background yes

      # Use Xft?
      use_xft yes

      # Xft font when Xft is enabled
      xftfont Garuda:size=9

      # Text alpha when using Xft
      xftalpha 0.8

      # Update interval in seconds
      update_interval 1.0

      # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
      # Set to zero to run forever.
      total_run_times 0

      # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
      own_window no

      # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
      double_buffer yes

      # Minimum size of text area
      minimum_size 1280 24
      maximum_width 1280

      # Draw shades?
      draw_shades no

      # Draw outlines?
      draw_outline no

      # Draw borders around text
      draw_borders no
      draw_graph_borders yes

      # Stippled borders?
      stippled_borders 0

      # border margins
      border_margin 0

      # border width
      border_width 0

      # Default colors and also border colors
      default_color B7B7B7
      default_shade_color B7B7B7
      default_outline_color B7B7B7

      # own window options
      own_window_class Conky
      own_window yes
      own_window_type conky
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      #own_window_argb_visual yes
      #own_window_argb_value 100

      # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
      #alignment top_left
      alignment top_middle
      #alignment bottom_left
      #alignment bottom_right

      # Gap between borders of screen and text
      # same thing as passing -x at command line
      gap_y 28

      # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
      no_buffers yes

      # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
      uppercase none

      # number of cpu samples to average
      # set to 1 to disable averaging
      cpu_avg_samples 2

      # number of net samples to average
      # set to 1 to disable averaging
      net_avg_samples 2

      # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
      override_utf8_locale no

      # Add spaces to keep things from moving about? This only affects certain objects.
      use_spacer no

      ${font Clean:size=7}${offset 85}${color #B7B7B7}CPU ${cpubar 3,95}${offset 85}HDD ${fs_bar 3,95}${offset 85}MEM ${membar 3,95}${offset 85}BAT ${battery_bar 3,95}${offset 85}ENT ${entropy_bar 3,95}${offset 85}SWP ${swapbar 3,95}
      ${font Garuda:pixelsize=40}${alignc}${time %H:%M}${font}
      ${voffset 10}${font Garuda:pixelsize=15}${alignc}${time %A} | ${time %d} ${time %B} ${time %Y}${font}
Avatar do usuário
Mensagens: 24
Registrado em: 06 Agosto, 2011

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Di' stante » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 23:49

rrack, o calendário apareceu depois que segui tuas dicas, entretanto os danados dos anéis teimam em não aparecer - essa configuração tem me tirado o sono, cara rsss Mais uma vez agradeço pela atenção, ajuda e por ter elogiado o wallpaper - sou viciado em mangás, animes etc (bem típico de nerd) Guardo uma porção de wallpapers desse tipo. Não entendi direito, sou leigo no assunto, todavia creio que o terminal aponte para alguma linha do "conky_widget". Segue abaixo o que recebo ao executar o conky pelo terminal: conky -c logoth/conkyrc
Código: Selecionar todos
Conky: llua_load: /home/distante/logoth/conky_widgets.lua:118: ')' expected (to close '(' at line 117) near 'cairo_stroke'
Conky: one or more $endif's are missing
Conky: desktop window (1a000a5) is subwindow of root window (ab)
Conky: window type - override
Conky: drawing to created window (0x3a00001)
Conky: drawing to double buffer
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value
Conky: llua_do_call: function conky_widgets execution failed: attempt to call a nil value

Cláudio, não consigo mais acessar a página principal do Ubuntued - toda vez que clico no link guardado em meus favoritos o navegador envia essa mensagem:"Bye Bye, SPAMBOT!" - na aba do navegador aparece um 403 Forbidden - já tentei com Firefox e Chromium.[/i]
Avatar do usuário
Di' stante
Mensagens: 130
Registrado em: 24 Setembro, 2011

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Di' stante » Ter, 8 de Novembro 2011, 23:51

P.S: A propósito: FANTÁSTICO teu último desktop.
Avatar do usuário
Di' stante
Mensagens: 130
Registrado em: 24 Setembro, 2011


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