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Mostre o seu Desktop!

Apresente aqui temas que gostou, skins de programas, ícones, wallpapers, conky's, etc. Ou seja, tudo o que possa alterar de estético no seu Ubuntu, apresente aqui. Em caso de dúvidas de personalização ou se quiser mostrá-la ao mundo, utilize esta secção!

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 1:37


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: drakfire dream suite
  • Ícones: Any Color You Like
  • Wallpaper: ... rbbzxb.jpg
  • Outros:
    • AWN;
    • Cursor: Kallista;
    • Covergloobus: Wild Horses;
    • Conky;
      Código: Selecionar todos
      # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
      own_window yes
      own_window_type override
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager

      # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
      double_buffer yes

      # fiddle with window
      use_spacer right
      use_xft yes

      # Update interval in seconds
      # update_interval 5

      # Minimum size of text area
      minimum_size 260 5

      # Draw shades?
      draw_shades no

      # Draw borders around graphs
      draw_graph_borders yes

      # Text stuff
      draw_outline no # amplifies text if yes
      draw_borders no
      xftfont Eurostile:size=9
      xftalpha 0.7
      #font arial
      uppercase no # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase

      # Stippled borders?
      stippled_borders 3

      # border width
      border_width 10

      # Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e5
      default_color black

      own_window_colour black
      own_window_transparent yes

      # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
      #alignment top_left
      #alignment top_right
      #alignment bottom_left
      alignment bottom_right

      # Gap between borders of screen and text
      gap_x 15
      gap_y 55

      # stuff after 'TEXT' will be formatted on screen


      ${font URW Gothic L:size=28}${time %k:%M %p}${font}

      ${time %A, }${time %B} ${time %C} ${time %G}
      ${hr 3}

      ${font arial black:size=8}RAM: $font$memperc% ${alignr}$mem${font arial black:size=8}/ $font$memmax
      ${membar 4}
      ${font arial black:size=8}CORE 1: $font${cpu cpu1}% $alignr ${font arial black:size=8}CORE 2: $font${cpu cpu2}%
      ${cpubar cpu1 4}
      ${cpubar cpu2 4}
      ${font arial black:size=8}Uptime: ${uptime}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 2:10


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: Divergence Mega Pack
  • Ícones: area.o43 SVG Icon theme
  • Wallpaper: ... rblack.jpg
  • Outros:
    • AWN;
    • Cursor: Mako;
    • Covergloobus: YellowLine for Covergloobus;
    • Conky;
      Código: Selecionar todos
      # Conky sample configuration
      # the list of variables has been removed from this file in favour
      # of keeping the documentation more maintainable.
      # Check for an up-to-date-list.

      # set to yes if you want Conky to be forked in the background
      background yes

      # X font when Xft is disabled, you can pick one with program xfontsel
      #font 5x7
      #font 6x10
      #font 7x13
      #font 8x13
      #font 9x15
      #font **
      #font -*-*-*-*-*-*-34-*-*-*-*-*-*-*

      # Use Xft?
      use_xft yes

      # Set conky on the bottom of all other applications
      own_window_hints below

      # Xft font when Xft is enabled
      xftfont Roadgeek 2005 Series D:style=Regular:size=9

      # Text alpha when using Xft
      xftalpha 1

      # Print everything to stdout?
      # out_to_console no

      # MPD host/port
      # mpd_host localhost
      # mpd_port 6600
      # mpd_password tinker_bell

      # Print everything to console?
      # out_to_console no

      # mail spool
      #mail_spool $MAIL

      # Update interval in seconds
      update_interval 1

      # This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
      # Set to zero to run forever.
      total_run_times 0

      # Create own window instead of using desktop (required in nautilus)
      own_window yes
      own_window_hints below
      own_window_type override

      # Use pseudo transparency with own_window?
      own_window_transparent yes

      # If own_window_transparent is set to no, you can set the background

      # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
      double_buffer yes

      # Minimum size of text area
      #minimum_size 280 5

      # Draw shades?
      draw_shades yes

      # Draw outlines?
      draw_outline yes

      # Draw borders around text
      draw_borders no

      # Stippled borders?
      stippled_borders 8

      # border width
      border_width 10

      # Default colors and also border colors
      default_color 363636
      default_shade_color FFA500
      default_outline_color FFA500

      # Text alignment, other possible values are commented
      alignment top_left
      #alignment top_right
      #alignment bottom_left
      #alignment bottom_right
      #alignment none

      # Gap between borders of screen and text
      # same thing as passing -x at command line
      gap_x 5
      gap_y 99

      # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
      no_buffers yes

      # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
      uppercase no

      # number of cpu samples to average
      # set to 1 to disable averaging
      cpu_avg_samples 1

      # number of net samples to average
      # set to 1 to disable averaging
      net_avg_samples 1

      # Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
      override_utf8_locale no

      # Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects
      certain objects.
      use_spacer yes

      #   mldonkey_hostname     Hostname for mldonkey stuff, defaults to localhost
      #   mldonkey_port         Mldonkey port, 4001 default
      #   mldonkey_login        Mldonkey login, default none
      #   mldonkey_password     Mldonkey password, default none

      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}Sysinfo:$font
      Hostname: ${alignr}$nodename
      OS: ${alignr}${exec cat /etc/issue | grep Ubuntu | cut -c1-13} $machine
      Kernel: ${alignr}$sysname $kernel
      Uptime: ${alignr}$uptime
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}CPU:$font
      Intel Pentium 4 ${alignr}${freq} MHz
      Load Avg: ${alignr}$loadavg
      Usage: ${alignr}$cpu %
      ${cpugraph 25,150 e67100 fff200}
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}Proc:$font
      Processes: ${alignr}$processes
      Running: ${alignr}$running_processes
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}Memory:$font
      $memperc% ${alignr}$mem/$memmax
      ${membar 3,150}
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}Swap:$font
      $swapperc% ${alignr}$swap/$swapmax
      ${swapbar 3,150}
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}Disk Usage:$font
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:size=8}${alignc}gardevoir HD 1$font
      ${alignc}${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
      ${fs_bar 3,150 /}
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:size=8}${alignc}gardevoir HD 2$font
      ${alignc}${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home}
      ${fs_bar 3,150 /home}
      ${font Roadgeek Series EM:style=bold:size=9}${alignc}Net:$font
      Down: ${alignr}${color 363636}${downspeed eth0} k/s$color
      ${downspeedgraph eth0 25,150 B5273C ff0000}
      Up:   ${alignr}${color 363636}${upspeed eth0} k/s$color
      ${upspeedgraph eth0 25,150 006E55 00ff00}
      ${alignc}Total Down: ${color #ff0000}${totaldown eth0}$color
      ${alignc}Total Up: ${color #00ff00}${totalup eth0}$color


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 2:41



:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 3:08


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: DarkArts
  • Ícones: Smokikon
  • Wallpaper: ... 0debdd.jpg
  • Outros:
    • AWN;
    • Cursor: Relic;
    • Conky;
      Código: Selecionar todos
      background yes
      own_window yes
      own_window_type override
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      use_xft yes
      xftfont verdana:size=12
      xftalpha 0.8
      # Use double buffering (reduces flicker, may not work for everyone)
      double_buffer yes

      ## Text alignment, other possible values are commented
      #alignment top_left
      alignment top_right
      #alignment bottom_left
      #alignment bottom_right

      ### Minimum size of text area
      minimum_size 260
      ### Maximum width of window
      maximum_width 350

      # Update interval in seconds
      update_interval 2.0

      gap_x                   100

      ${font Brooklyn Kid:size=30}${alignc}${time %H: %M: %S}${font}
      ${color #ffcb48} PROCESSES BY MEMORY USAGE$color
      ${color #98c2c7}     MEM%     CPU%     PID           NAME
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 1}      ${top_mem cpu 1}     ${top_mem pid 1}     ${top_mem name 1}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 2}      ${top_mem cpu 2}     ${top_mem pid 2}     ${top_mem name 2}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 3}      ${top_mem cpu 3}     ${top_mem pid 3}     ${top_mem name 3}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 4}      ${top_mem cpu 4}     ${top_mem pid 4}     ${top_mem name 4}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 5}      ${top_mem cpu 5}     ${top_mem pid 5}     ${top_mem name 5}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 6}      ${top_mem cpu 6}     ${top_mem pid 6}     ${top_mem name 6}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 7}      ${top_mem cpu 7}     ${top_mem pid 7}     ${top_mem name 7}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 8}      ${top_mem cpu 8}     ${top_mem pid 8}     ${top_mem name 8}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top_mem mem 9}      ${top_mem cpu 9}     ${top_mem pid 9}     ${top_mem name 9}

      ${color #ffcb48} PROCESSES BY CPU USAGE$color
      ${color #98c2c7}     CPU%     MEM%    PID           NAME
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 1}      ${top mem 1}     ${top pid 1}     ${top name 1}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 2}      ${top mem 2}     ${top pid 2}     ${top name 2}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 3}      ${top mem 3}     ${top pid 3}     ${top name 3}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 4}      ${top mem 4}     ${top pid 4}     ${top name 4}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 5}      ${top mem 5}     ${top pid 5}     ${top name 5}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 6}      ${top mem 6}     ${top pid 6}     ${top name 6}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 7}      ${top mem 7}     ${top pid 7}     ${top name 7}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 8}      ${top mem 8}     ${top pid 8}     ${top name 8}
      ${color #e5e5e5}      ${top cpu 9}      ${top mem 9}     ${top pid 9}     ${top name 9}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 3:46


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: Zippo
  • Ícones: Simunic-RedNight
  • Wallpaper: ... 0x1050.jpg
  • Outros:
    • AWN;
    • Cursor: TempleOblivion;
    • Covergloobus: Trickline;
    • Conky;
      Código: Selecionar todos
      alignment top_lefth

      own_window yes
      own_window_type override
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      double_buffer yes

      gap_x 10
      gap_y 10

      use_xft yes
      xftfont Dejavu Sans:size=8
      xftalpha 0.8

      São Paulo, BR

      ${time %k:%M:%S}

       ${time %A %d %B}

      $color1${execi 60 conkyForecast -l BRXX0232 -d CC} $color${execi 60 conkyForecast -l BRXX0232 -d HT -i -u -x -e 3}F
      ${font ConkyWeather:size=36}${execi 3600 conkyForecast --startday=1 --endday=3 --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=WF}${font}
      $color1${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=15 --datatype=HT}
      $color1${execi 3600 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --startday=1 --endday=3 --spaces=5 --datatype=DW}

          ${font weather:size=28}y ${font}GPU: ${execi 30 nvidia-settings -q [gpu:0]/GPUCoreTemp | grep '):' | awk '{print $4}' | sed 's/\.//'} °C
          ${font weather:size=28}x ${font}HDD: ${exec hddtemp /dev/sda -n --unit=C}°C
          ${font weather:size=28}z ${font}Core 1: ${execi 1 sensors | grep -A 0 '^Core 0' |cut -c15-18} °C
          ${font weather:size=28}z ${font}Core 2: ${execi 1 sensors | grep -A 0 '^Core 1' |cut -c15-18} °C

         ${font StyleBats:size=18}A${font}   Core 1:  ${cpu cpu1}%
         ${font StyleBats:size=18}A${font}   Core 2:  ${cpu cpu2}%

         ${font StyleBats:size=18}2${font}   GPU Clocks: ${exec nvidia-settings -q GPU2DClockFreqs -t}${font}${color}MHz
         ${font StyleBats:size=18}x${font}   RAM $memperc %

         ${font StyleBats:size=18}b${font}   Disk IO: $diskio
         ${font PizzaDude Bullets:size=16}g${font}   $fs_free / $fs_free_perc% free

         ${font StyleBats:size=18}p${font}   Uptime:  ${uptime_short}
         #${font StyleBats:size=18}8${font}   ${battery}

         ${font xspiralmental:size=17}E${font}   ${kernel}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 4:38


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: Yggdrasill
  • Ícones: LaGaDesk-BlueNight 1.3.5
  • Wallpaper:
  • Outros:
    • AWN;
    • Cursor: Thecandyman;
    • Covergloobus: Torn Paper;
    • Conky;
      Código: Selecionar todos
      background no
      own_window yes
      own_window_type override # normal
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager # undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      own_window_colour black
      double_buffer yes
      use_spacer left
      override_utf8_locale yes
      use_xft   yes
      font DejaVu Sans Mono:size=9
      xftfont DejaVu Sans Mono:size=9
      xftalpha 0.5
      update_interval 5.0
      uppercase no  # set to yes if you want all text to be in uppercase
      stippled_borders 3
      border_width 10
      default_color white
      default_outline_color black
      default_shade_color black
      draw_borders no
      draw_outline yes  # amplifies text if yes
      draw_shades no  # shadecolor black
      color0 cyan
      color1 lightblue
      color2 orange
      color3 yellow
      color4 wheat
      color5 white
      color6 white
      color7 white
      color8 white
      color9 black
      alignment bl  # Aligned position on screen, may be top_left, top_right, top_middle, bottom_left, bottom_right, bottom_middle, middle_left, middle_right, or none (also can be abreviated as tl, tr, tm, bl, br, bm, ml, mr)
      gap_x 10
      gap_y 270 # because of the VOFFSET to get the weather font up to the 2nd day, the negative "gap_y" value brings conky back to the bottom of the screen.
      text_buffer_size 1152 # use 1152 for the forecast
      no_buffers yes  # Subtract file system buffers from used memory?
      short_units yes
      pad_percents 2

       ${font :size=18}${color1}${alignc}${time %I:%M:%S %p}$color$font
      ${font :size=14}${color1}${alignc}${time %A}$color$font
      ${font :size=14}${color1}${alignc}${time %B %e, %G}${color1}$font

      SYSTEM ${color1}$hr${color1}
      OS: ${alignr} ${color1}Ubuntu 8.04.1
      Kernel: ${alignr} ${color1} ${kernel}
      Uptime: ${alignr} ${color1} $uptime_short
      ${font openlogos:size=22}${alignc}utAJQRTUY${font}
      ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=CN}: ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=CT}
      Current: ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 -u -x --datatype=HT}° $alignr UV: ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=UI}
      Humidity: ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=HM} $alignr Chance of rain ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=PC --startday=0}
      ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --startday=1 --endday=4 --datatype=DW --shortweekday --spaces=6}
      ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --startday=1 --endday=4 --datatype=HT --refetch --spaces=5}
      ${font Conkyweather:size=30} ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --startday=1 --endday=4 --datatype=WF --refetch --spaces=2}${font}
      $alignc Updated ${execi 1800 conkyForecast --location=BRXX0232 --datatype=LU}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor José Craveiro » Seg, 19 de Dezembro 2011, 13:32

Elemento branco

Avatar do usuário
José Craveiro
Mensagens: 996
Registrado em: 11 Junho, 2011
Localização: Coimbra

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor douglasaugusto » Ter, 20 de Dezembro 2011, 2:34

Beautiful MInt

Mensagens: 4
Registrado em: 20 Dezembro, 2011

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 20 de Dezembro 2011, 3:07


  • Sistema Operativo: Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
  • Tema: TechniX
  • Ícones: Fekete-feher
  • Wallpaper: ... uidsky.jpg
  • Outros:
    • AWN;
    • Cursor: The_Alien;
    • Conky;
      Código: Selecionar todos
      background no

      use_xft yes
      #xftfont Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=8
      xftfont Santana:size=17
      xftalpha 1

      update_interval 1.0

      total_run_times 0

      own_window yes
      own_window_type normal
      own_window_class conky
      own_window_argb_visual yes
      #own_window_argb_value 120
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below

      double_buffer yes

      maximum_width 400
      #minimum_size 350

      draw_shades no
      draw_outline no
      draw_borders no
      draw_graph_borders no
      stippled_borders 2

      border_width 1

      default_color white
      default_shade_color black
      default_outline_color white

      alignment tr

      gap_x 70
      gap_y 50

      no_buffers yes
      uppercase no

      override_utf8_locale yes

      use_spacer right

      ${font Crackdown O2 BRK:size=32}${alignr}${time %k.%M.%S }${font}

      ${alignr}${time %A %B %d %Y}

      ${font Santana:size=18}${color slate grey}GeForce ${color}${alignr}8600 GTS${color}${font}
      ${color slate grey}Nvidia Driver:${color}${alignr}${exec nvidia-settings -t -query NvidiaDriverVersion | awk -F "" '{print$0}'}

      ${color slate grey}Core Temp:${color}${alignr}${nvidia temp}${iconv_start UTF-8 ISO_8859-1}°C${iconv_stop}
      ${color slate grey}Fan Speed:${color}${alignr}${execi 3600 nvidia-settings -t -query all | grep "GPUCurrentFanSpeed" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}'}%

      ${color slate grey}Graphics Clock:${color}${alignr}${nvidia gpufreq} MHz
      ${color slate grey}Memory Clock:${color}${alignr}${nvidia memfreq} MHz
      ${color slate grey}Shader Clock:${color}${alignr}${execi 60 nvidia-settings -t -query GPUCurrentProcessorClockFreqs | awk -F "" '{print$0}'} MHz

      ${font Santana:size=18}${color slate grey}System${color}${alignr}Memory${color}${font}

      ${color slate grey}Total RAM:${color}${alignr}${memmax}
      ${color slate grey}Free:${color}${alignr}${memfree}
      ${color slate grey}In Use:${color}${alignr}${mem}
      ${color slate grey}Buffered:${color}${alignr}${buffers}
      ${color slate grey}Cached:${color}${alignr}${cached}


:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
Avatar do usuário
Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL

Re: Mostre o seu Desktop!

Mensagempor Roger Braga » Ter, 20 de Dezembro 2011, 3:53



:ubuntued: "Somente seres humanos excepcionais e irrepreensíveis suscitam ideias generosas e ações elevadas. O conhecimento é limitado. A imaginação envolve ao mundo."
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Roger Braga
Mr. Deskmod
Mensagens: 755
Registrado em: 04 Julho, 2011
Localização: São Paulo, BRASIL


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