Apresente aqui temas que gostou, skins de programas, ícones, wallpapers, conky's, etc. Ou seja, tudo o que possa alterar de estético no seu Ubuntu, apresente aqui. Em caso de dúvidas de personalização ou se quiser mostrá-la ao mundo, utilize esta secção!
--[[ Clock Rings by Linux Mint (2011) reEdited by despot77
This script draws percentage meters as rings, and also draws clock hands if you want! It is fully customisable; all options are described in the script. This script is based off a combination of my clock.lua script and my rings.lua script.
IMPORTANT: if you are using the 'cpu' function, it will cause a segmentation fault if it tries to draw a ring straight away. The if statement on line 145 uses a delay to make sure that this doesn't happen. It calculates the length of the delay by the number of updates since Conky started. Generally, a value of 5s is long enough, so if you update Conky every 1s, use update_num>5 in that if statement (the default). If you only update Conky every 2s, you should change it to update_num>3; conversely if you update Conky every 0.5s, you should use update_num>10. ALSO, if you change your Conky, is it best to use "killall conky; conky" to update it, otherwise the update_num will not be reset and you will get an error.
To call this script in Conky, use the following (assuming that you save this script to ~/scripts/rings.lua): lua_load ~/scripts/clock_rings.lua lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
settings_table = { { -- Edit this table to customise your rings. -- You can create more rings simply by adding more elements to settings_table. -- "name" is the type of stat to display; you can choose from 'cpu', 'memperc', 'fs_used_perc', 'battery_used_perc'. name='time', -- "arg" is the argument to the stat type, e.g. if in Conky you would write ${cpu cpu0}, 'cpu0' would be the argument. If you would not use an argument in the Conky variable, use ''. arg='%I.%M', -- "max" is the maximum value of the ring. If the Conky variable outputs a percentage, use 100. max=12, -- "bg_colour" is the colour of the base ring. bg_colour=0xffffff, -- "bg_alpha" is the alpha value of the base ring. bg_alpha=0.1, -- "fg_colour" is the colour of the indicator part of the ring. fg_colour=0xFF6600, -- "fg_alpha" is the alpha value of the indicator part of the ring. fg_alpha=0.2, -- "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the centre of the ring, relative to the top left corner of the Conky window. x=100, y=150, -- "radius" is the radius of the ring. radius=50, -- "thickness" is the thickness of the ring, centred around the radius. thickness=5, -- "start_angle" is the starting angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative. start_angle=0, -- "end_angle" is the ending angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative, but must be larger than start_angle. end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%M.%S', max=60, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.4, x=100, y=150, radius=56, thickness=5, start_angle=0, end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%S', max=60, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.6, x=100, y=150, radius=62, thickness=5, start_angle=0, end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%d', max=31, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=100, y=150, radius=70, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=90 }, { name='time', arg='%m', max=12, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=1, x=100, y=150, radius=76, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=90 }, { name='cpu', arg='cpu0', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=50, y=300, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='memperc', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=75, y=350, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='swapperc', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=100, y=400, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='fs_used_perc', arg='/', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=125, y=450, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='downspeedf', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=150, y=500, radius=25, thickness=4, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='upspeedf', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=150, y=500, radius=20, thickness=4, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, }
-- Use these settings to define the origin and extent of your clock.
-- "clock_x" and "clock_y" are the coordinates of the centre of the clock, in pixels, from the top left of the Conky window.
function draw_ring(cr,t,pt) local w,h=conky_window.width,conky_window.height
local xc,yc,ring_r,ring_w,sa,ea=pt['x'],pt['y'],pt['radius'],pt['thickness'],pt['start_angle'],pt['end_angle'] local bgc, bga, fgc, fga=pt['bg_colour'], pt['bg_alpha'], pt['fg_colour'], pt['fg_alpha']
local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2 local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2 local t_arc=t*(angle_f-angle_0)
-- Check that Conky has been running for at least 5s
if conky_window==nil then return end local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display,conky_window.drawable,conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,conky_window.height)
local cr=cairo_create(cs)
local updates=conky_parse('${updates}') update_num=tonumber(updates)
if update_num>5 then for i in pairs(settings_table) do setup_rings(cr,settings_table[i]) end end
Yoshi escreveu:Obrigado Claudio! Vou tentar aqui e ver oque consigo. Mexer con esse conky não é tão fácil quanto pensei... E obrigado pelo elogio, estou gostando de brincar com esse brinquedo novo chamado Ubuntu
Brincar com o Ubuntu é muito diferente de brincar com o Conky. O Conky é provavelmente dos programas mais complicados de se mexer no Ubuntu. Eu diria que se calhar até é mais fácil fazer temas para o Ubuntu que mexer no Conky.
Digo isto, mas acho que depois de alguma experiência com o Conky a coisa é bem simples!
--[[ Clock Rings by Linux Mint (2011) reEdited by despot77
This script draws percentage meters as rings, and also draws clock hands if you want! It is fully customisable; all options are described in the script. This script is based off a combination of my clock.lua script and my rings.lua script.
IMPORTANT: if you are using the 'cpu' function, it will cause a segmentation fault if it tries to draw a ring straight away. The if statement on line 145 uses a delay to make sure that this doesn't happen. It calculates the length of the delay by the number of updates since Conky started. Generally, a value of 5s is long enough, so if you update Conky every 1s, use update_num>5 in that if statement (the default). If you only update Conky every 2s, you should change it to update_num>3; conversely if you update Conky every 0.5s, you should use update_num>10. ALSO, if you change your Conky, is it best to use "killall conky; conky" to update it, otherwise the update_num will not be reset and you will get an error.
To call this script in Conky, use the following (assuming that you save this script to ~/scripts/rings.lua): lua_load ~/scripts/clock_rings.lua lua_draw_hook_pre clock_rings
settings_table = { { -- Edit this table to customise your rings. -- You can create more rings simply by adding more elements to settings_table. -- "name" is the type of stat to display; you can choose from 'cpu', 'memperc', 'fs_used_perc', 'battery_used_perc'. name='time', -- "arg" is the argument to the stat type, e.g. if in Conky you would write ${cpu cpu0}, 'cpu0' would be the argument. If you would not use an argument in the Conky variable, use ''. arg='%I.%M', -- "max" is the maximum value of the ring. If the Conky variable outputs a percentage, use 100. max=12, -- "bg_colour" is the colour of the base ring. bg_colour=0xffffff, -- "bg_alpha" is the alpha value of the base ring. bg_alpha=0.1, -- "fg_colour" is the colour of the indicator part of the ring. fg_colour=0xFF6600, -- "fg_alpha" is the alpha value of the indicator part of the ring. fg_alpha=0.2, -- "x" and "y" are the x and y coordinates of the centre of the ring, relative to the top left corner of the Conky window. x=100, y=150, -- "radius" is the radius of the ring. radius=50, -- "thickness" is the thickness of the ring, centred around the radius. thickness=5, -- "start_angle" is the starting angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative. start_angle=0, -- "end_angle" is the ending angle of the ring, in degrees, clockwise from top. Value can be either positive or negative, but must be larger than start_angle. end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%M.%S', max=60, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.4, x=100, y=150, radius=56, thickness=5, start_angle=0, end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%S', max=60, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.6, x=100, y=150, radius=62, thickness=5, start_angle=0, end_angle=360 }, { name='time', arg='%d', max=31, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=100, y=150, radius=70, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=90 }, { name='time', arg='%m', max=12, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.1, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=1, x=100, y=150, radius=76, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=90 }, { name='cpu', arg='cpu0', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=50, y=300, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='memperc', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=75, y=350, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='swapperc', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=100, y=400, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='fs_used_perc', arg='/', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=125, y=450, radius=25, thickness=5, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='downspeedf', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=150, y=500, radius=25, thickness=4, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, { name='upspeedf', arg='', max=100, bg_colour=0xffffff, bg_alpha=0.2, fg_colour=0xFF6600, fg_alpha=0.8, x=150, y=500, radius=20, thickness=4, start_angle=-90, end_angle=180 }, }
-- Use these settings to define the origin and extent of your clock.
-- "clock_x" and "clock_y" are the coordinates of the centre of the clock, in pixels, from the top left of the Conky window.
function draw_ring(cr,t,pt) local w,h=conky_window.width,conky_window.height
local xc,yc,ring_r,ring_w,sa,ea=pt['x'],pt['y'],pt['radius'],pt['thickness'],pt['start_angle'],pt['end_angle'] local bgc, bga, fgc, fga=pt['bg_colour'], pt['bg_alpha'], pt['fg_colour'], pt['fg_alpha']
local angle_0=sa*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2 local angle_f=ea*(2*math.pi/360)-math.pi/2 local t_arc=t*(angle_f-angle_0)
-- Check that Conky has been running for at least 5s
if conky_window==nil then return end local cs=cairo_xlib_surface_create(conky_window.display,conky_window.drawable,conky_window.visual, conky_window.width,conky_window.height)
local cr=cairo_create(cs)
local updates=conky_parse('${updates}') update_num=tonumber(updates)
if update_num>5 then for i in pairs(settings_table) do setup_rings(cr,settings_table[i]) end end
draw_clock_hands(cr,clock_x,clock_y) end
Uau, gostei muito! Esse esquema de cores me agrada aos olhos! Parabéns!
Claudio Novais escreveu:
Yoshi escreveu:Obrigado Claudio! Vou tentar aqui e ver oque consigo. Mexer con esse conky não é tão fácil quanto pensei... E obrigado pelo elogio, estou gostando de brincar com esse brinquedo novo chamado Ubuntu
Brincar com o Ubuntu é muito diferente de brincar com o Conky. O Conky é provavelmente dos programas mais complicados de se mexer no Ubuntu. Eu diria que se calhar até é mais fácil fazer temas para o Ubuntu que mexer no Conky.
Digo isto, mas acho que depois de alguma experiência com o Conky a coisa é bem simples!
Verdade Claudio, o conky é mais complicado, mas quem sabe um pouco mais pra frente eu pego o jeito da coisa. Enquanto isso vou tentar não abusar da minha condição de novato.