leitores 102Neste 102º ar­tigo da Série de Am­bi­entes de Tra­balho dos Lei­tores do Ubun­tued apre­sen­tamos-lhe 20 am­bi­entes tra­balho sub­me­tidos pelos uti­li­za­dores do Fórum do Ubun­tued.

Este é um con­junto de vi­suais bas­tante di­ver­si­fi­cado, não só em termos vi­suais como também em termos de dis­tri­bui­ções usadas. De­bian, Ubuntu (claro), Ele­men­taryOS, são al­gumas delas. Também tem di­fe­rentes am­bi­entes grá­ficos, no­me­a­da­mente o Pantheon, Xfce, Unity e até ses­sões per­so­na­li­zadas. Para além disso, como sempre este ar­tigo é uma fonte rica em temas e ícones para Ubuntu que você pode ficar a co­nhecer e aplicar no seu pró­prio Ubuntu!


Como fun­ciona esta série?

Esta série só existe porque os lei­tores do Ubun­tued par­ti­cipam de forma ativa para a manter ao mais alto nível! Por esse sim­ples mo­tivo a sua par­ti­ci­pação é muito im­por­tante! Como você pode par­ti­cipar? Muito sim­ples, vi­site esta pá­gina que dis­po­ni­bi­liza uma apli­cação (ver imagem abaixo) para agi­lizar o pro­cesso de par­tilha! E de­pois par­tilhe o seu vi­sual aqui:

Fórum do Ubun­tued: Mostre o seu Desktop!


Como está feito este ar­tigo?

Como é já comum nos ou­tros ar­tigos desta série, cada vi­sual apre­sen­tado neste ar­tigo é da res­pon­sa­bi­li­dade do seu Autor. Quer isto dizer que, se tem al­guma questão sobre esse vi­sual, o me­lhor será você ques­ti­onar di­re­ta­mente o Autor ou então em res­posta ao post que foi ori­gi­nal­mente apre­sen­tado por esse Autor.

Para esse efeito, em cada um dos vi­suais apre­sen­tados neste ar­tigo, você tem a opor­tu­ni­dade de ver a des­crição re­di­gida pelos Au­tores, o link para o local ori­ginal desse am­bi­ente (que você pode e deve aceder para ques­ti­onar algo), link di­reto para a pá­gina do uti­li­zador para o ques­ti­onar di­re­ta­mente. Re­la­ti­va­mente às ima­gens tri­di­men­si­o­nais apre­sen­tadas em al­gumas das par­ti­ci­pa­ções, se você quiser ver com me­lhor de­fi­nição os scre­enshots ori­gi­nais de­verá vi­sitar o link do local ori­ginal, in­ti­tu­lado: “Pá­gina deste am­bi­ente”.



Ubuntu 13.04


Day Dream

  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: Sa­resa
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: Ubuntu 12.04 (Pre­cise Pan­golin)
  • Tema: Malys-uni­co­lors-gray
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: XFCE
  • Ícones: malys-uni­black
  • Wall­paper: http://​mi9.​com/​wallpaper/​daydream-hand- … per_83977/
  • Ou­tros:
    • Fi­cheiro “.conkyrc”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      use_xft yes
      xftfont 123:size=8
      xftalpha 0.1
      update_interval 1
      total_run_times 0
      own_window no
      own_window_type desktop
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      double_buffer yes
      minimum_size 250 5
      maximum_width 600
      draw_shades no
      draw_outline no
      draw_borders no
      draw_graph_borders no
      default_color black
      default_shade_color red
      default_outline_color green
      alignment middle_left
      gap_x 80
      gap_y -80
      no_buffers yes
      uppercase no
      cpu_avg_samples 2
      net_avg_samples 1
      override_utf8_locale yes
      use_spacer yes
      ${voffset 10}${color 303030}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=120}${time %H:%M}${font}${voffset -84}${offset 10}${color 883344}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=42}${time %d} ${voffset -15}${color 303030}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=22}${time  %B} ${time %Y}${font}${voffset 20}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=58}${offset -148}${time %A}${font}
      ${voffset 20}${offset 12}${font Ubuntu:pi­xel­size=10}${color 883344}HD ${offset 9}$color${fs_­free /home} / ${fs_­size /home}${offset 30}${color 883344}RAM ${offset 9}$color$mem / $memmax${offset 30}${color 883344}CPU ${offset 9}$color${cpu cpu0}%${offset 30}${color 883344}Temp ${offset 9}$color${execi 8 sen­sors | grep -A 1 ‘temp1′ | cut -c15-17 | sed ‘/^$/d’}°C
    • Fi­cheiro “.conky_s­tart.sh”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      sleep 10 && conky;


Vi­toria 7 X 3



  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: Sa­resa
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: Ubuntu 12.04 (Pre­cise Pan­golin)
  • Tema: Malys-uni­co­lors
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: XFCE
  • Ícones: Malys-uni­black
  • Wall­paper: He­talia – North Italy
  • Ou­tros:
    • Fi­cheiro “.conkyrc”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      use_xft yes
      xftfont 123:size=8
      xftalpha 0.1
      update_interval 1
      total_run_times 0
      own_window no
      own_window_type desktop
      own_window_transparent yes
      own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
      double_buffer yes
      minimum_size 250 5
      maximum_width 1300
      draw_shades no
      draw_outline no
      draw_borders no
      draw_graph_borders no
      default_color white
      default_shade_color red
      default_outline_color green
      alignment bottom_left
      gap_x 40
      gap_y 130
      no_buffers yes
      uppercase no
      cpu_avg_samples 2
      net_avg_samples 1
      override_utf8_locale yes
      use_spacer yes
      ${voffset 10}${color ffffff}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=120}${time %H:%M}${font}${voffset -84}${offset 700}${color 00ff00}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=42}${time %d} ${voffset -15}${color ffffff}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=22}${time  %B} ${time %Y}${font}${voffset 20}${font Ubuntu Light:pi­xel­size=58}${offset -148}${time %A}${font}
      ${voffset 20}${offset 30}${font Ubuntu:pi­xel­size=11}${color ff0000}HD ${offset 9}$color${fs_­free /home} / ${fs_­size /home}${offset 30}${color ff0000}RAM ${offset 9}$color$mem / $memmax${offset 720}${color 00ff00}CPU ${offset 9}$color${cpu cpu0}%${offset 30}${color 00ff00}Temp ${offset 9}$color${execi 8 sen­sors | grep -A 1 ‘temp1′ | cut -c15-17 | sed ‘/^$/d’}°C
    • Fi­cheiro “.conky_s­tart.sh”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      sleep 10 && conky;


Aven­tura No De­bian





Volta O Cão Ar­re­pen­dido



Ele­men­tary Os Luna Beta 2






Ubun­tued Cu­per­tino






(ºº) Ligth Over (ºº)


Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS

  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: Roger Braga
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS
  • Tema: De­lo­rean-Dark
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: Unity
  • Ícones: Awo­ken­dark
  • Ou­tros:
    • AWN;
    • Co­ver­glo­obus: Deep Orb II Co­ver­Glo­obus;
    • Conky;
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos

      #conky performance settings
      update_interval 3.0
      total_run_times 0
      cpu_avg_samples 4
      no_buffers yes
      double_buffer yes
      override_utf8_locale yes
      max_specials 1024
      text_buffer_size 1024
      max_user_text 32768
      #ove­rall po­si­tion of conky window
      align­ment mid­dle_­right
      gap_x 25
      gap_y 0
      mi­ni­mum_­size 300 145
      ma­xi­mum_width 145#ove­rall ap­pe­a­rance of conky window
      own_window yes
      own_win­dow_type over­ride
      own_win­dow_­trans­pa­rent yes
      own_win­dow_hints un­de­co­rated,below,sticky,skip_­taskbar,skip_­pager
      draw_­bor­ders no#de­fault text ap­pe­rance
      use_xft yes
      xf­talpha 0.9
      xft­font Al­fios:size=10
      de­fault_­color ali­ce­blue
      draw_shades no
      draw_ou­tline no
      de­fault_sha­de_­color black
      de­fault_ou­tli­ne_­color black
      up­per­case no#border around graphs
      draw_­graph_­bor­ders no#co­lors
      co­lor1 lightsky­blue
      co­lor2 blue
      co­lor3 red
      co­lor4 gold
      co­lor5 de­epsky­blue
      co­lor6 dim­grey #bis­que4############################################################################################
      #                                                                                          #
      #  The code below ‘TEXT’ will con­trol what is dis­played by conky:                          #
      #   -> In the in­te­rest of cla­rity, the system out­puts are di­vided into re­lated groups      #
      #      (i.e. all code re­lated to the CPU is in one grou­ping of ad­ja­cent lines while code   #
      #      re­lated to RAM is in another grou­ping of ad­ja­cent lines).  Each group is he­re­after  #
      #      re­fered to as a ‘TEXT code block’.                                                  #
      #   -> To best fit your screen, ad­just the ove­rall ver­tical length of the dis­play by       #
      #      ad­ding or de­le­ting empty lines either be­fore or after the TEXT code blocks below.   #
      #                                                                                          #
      #                                                                                          #
      #  The first TEXT code block dis­plays ope­ra­ting system in­for­ma­tion                         #
      #   -> ‘Up­dates Avai­lable’ dis­plays total up­dates avaible from all software sources        #
      #      ac­ti­vated in the up­date ma­nager                                                     #
      #   -> ‘Se­cu­rity Up­dates’ dis­plays the number those avai­lable up­dates which are re­lated    #
      #      to system se­cu­rity                                                                  #
      #                                                                                          #
      ${image /home/roger/Ima­gens/pen­guin-8640_640.png -p 0,0 -s 110×110}
      ${voffset 58}${co­lor1}${offset 69}${font Al­fios:bold:size=11}U${font}buntu 12.04 ${color}
      ${voffset 0}${alignr}${kernel}
      ${font Al­fios:size=9}${if_­match ${execi 3600 /usr/lib/up­date-no­ti­fier/apt-check –human-re­a­dable | awk ‘/can/ {print $1}’}>0}${offset 10}Up­dates Avai­lable:${alignr}${execi 3600 /usr/lib/up­date-no­ti­fier/apt-check –human-re­a­dable | awk ‘/can/ {print $1}’}
      ${offset 10}Se­cu­rity Up­dates:${alignr}${execi 3600 /usr/lib/up­date-no­ti­fier/apt-check –human-re­a­dable | awk ‘/are/ {print $1}’}
      #                                                                                          #
      #  The se­cond TEXT code block dis­plays CPU in­for­ma­tion                                     #
      #   -> Tem­pe­ra­ture dis­played is the PCI Adapter temp1 output on same line as ‘high’ output #
      #   -> Re­quires the ins­tal­la­tion of lm-sen­sors to work:  sudo apt-get lm-sen­sors           #
      #   -> After ins­tal­la­tion run:  sen­sors-de­tect      (answer yes to all)                    #
      #   -> Run ‘sen­sors’ in ter­minal to de­ter­mine which line needs grep & which co­lumns        #
      #      needs to be cut.                                                                    #
      #   -> Re­place:  ${cpubar cpu1 5} with ${cpu­graph cpu1 FFFF00 FF0000} to change to graph   #
      #      output of CPU1 usage.                                                               #
      #   -> ‘FFFF00′ and ‘FF0000′ are HEX color codes and can be re­placed with wha­tever co­lors  #
      #      you like.  Goto www.​graphviz.​org/​doc/​info/​colors.​html for color in­for­ma­tion (hold   #
      #      mouse over color to see HEX code for that color).                                   #
      #   -> Add % use out­puts for cores by ad­ding the fol­lowing line:                           #
      #           Core ‘#’: ${alignr}${cpu cpu’#’}%                                              #
      #      (re­peat for each ad­di­ti­onal core up to the total number of cores in the system)     #
      #      (re­place each ‘#’ with the number of the core (i.e. 3 or 4))                        #
      #                                                                                          #
      CPU${font Mo­no­fonto:bold:size=7}${voffset -2}${offset 11}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} == 0}${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 5}${co­lor5}|${co­lor6}||||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 10}${co­lor5}||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 15}${co­lor5}|||${co­lor6}||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 20}${co­lor5}||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 25}${co­lor5}|||||${co­lor6}||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 30}${co­lor5}||||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 35}${co­lor5}|||||||${co­lor6}||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 40}${co­lor5}||||||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 45}${co­lor5}|||||||||${co­lor6}||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 50}${co­lor5}||||||||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 55}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor6}||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 60}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|${co­lor6}|||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 65}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}||${co­lor6}||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 70}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||${co­lor6}|||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 75}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}||||${co­lor6}||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 80}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||${co­lor6}|||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 85}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}||||||${co­lor6}||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 90}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor6}|||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} <= 95}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor3}|${co­lor6}||${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} < 100}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor3}||${co­lor6}|${color}${else}${if_­match ${cpu cpu0} == 100}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor3}|||${color}${else}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${font Al­fios:size=9}
      ${voffset 4}${offset 10}${top name 1}${alignr}${top cpu 1}
      ${offset 10}${top name 2}${alignr}${top cpu 2}
      ${offset 10}${top name 3}${alignr}${top cpu 3}   ${font}############################################################################################
      #                                                                                          #
      #  Third TEXT code block dis­plays RAM in­for­ma­tion:                                         #
      #   -> Re­place ${membar 10} with ${mem­graph FFFF00 FF0000} to change to graph output of    #
      #      RAM usage. (I did not find this very useful as RAM usage is usu­ally fairly steady   #
      #      on my sytem.)                                                                       #
      #                                                                                          #
      RAM${font Mo­no­fonto:bold:size=7}${voffset -2}${offset 8}${if_­match ${mem­perc} == 0}${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 5}${co­lor5}|${co­lor6}||||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 10}${co­lor5}||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 15}${co­lor5}|||${co­lor6}||||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 20}${co­lor5}||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 25}${co­lor5}|||||${co­lor6}||||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 30}${co­lor5}||||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 35}${co­lor5}|||||||${co­lor6}||||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 40}${co­lor5}||||||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 45}${co­lor5}|||||||||${co­lor6}||||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 50}${co­lor5}||||||||||${co­lor6}|||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 55}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor6}||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 60}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|${co­lor6}|||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 65}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}||${co­lor6}||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 70}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||${co­lor6}|||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 75}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}||||${co­lor6}||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 80}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||${co­lor6}|||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 85}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}||||||${co­lor6}||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 90}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor6}|||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} <= 95}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor3}|${co­lor6}||${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} < 100}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor3}||${co­lor6}|${color}${else}${if_­match ${mem­perc} == 100}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${co­lor4}|||||||${co­lor3}|||${color}${else}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${font}${font Al­fios:size=9}
      ${voffset 4}${offset 10}${top_mem name 1}${alignr}${top_mem mem 1}
      ${offset 10}${top_mem name 2}${alignr}${top_mem mem 2}
      ${offset 10}${top_mem name 3}${alignr}${top_mem mem 3}   ${font}
      #                                                                                          #
      #  Fourth TEXT code block dis­plays Fi­lesystem in­for­ma­tion:                                 #
      #   -> The USB in­for­ma­tion is spe­cific to the USB drive set­tings on my com­puter (i.e. my   #
      #      1st USB mounts at /dev/sdb1). Run ‘df’ in ter­minal to de­ter­mine lo­ca­tion of drives. #
      #   -> To make conky dis­play cor­rectly the cut lo­ca­tions for sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, & sdc may   #
      #      need to be ad­justed.                                                                #
      #                                                                                          #
      ${if_­match ${swap­perc} > 0}
      SWP ${color}${alignr}$swap/$swapmax
      HD ${alignr}${fs_used /} / ${fs_­size /}${if_e­xis­ting  /dev/sdc1}
      ${execp df -H | grep ‘sdc1′ | cut -c56-66}:${alignr}${execp df -H | awk ‘/sdc1/ {print $3, “/”, $2}’}${else}${endif}${if_e­xis­ting  /dev/sdd1}
      ${execp df -H | grep ‘sdd1′ | cut -c56-66}:${alignr}${execp df -H | awk ‘/sdd1/ {print $3, “/”, $2}’}${else}${endif}${if_e­xis­ting  /dev/sde1}
      ${execp df -H | grep ‘sde1′ | cut -c56-66}:${alignr}${execp df -H | awk ‘/sde1/ {print $3, “/”, $2}’}${else}${endif}############################################################################################
      #                                                                                          #
      #  Fith TEXT code block dis­plays Network in­for­ma­tion:                                      #
      #   -> A graphical output of down­load in­for­ma­tion can be dis­played by ad­ding the fol­lowing #
      #      line of code:                                                                       #
      #      ${co­lor2}${downs­pe­ed­graph wlan0 FFFF00 FF0000}${color}                              #
      #   -> A graphical output of upload in­for­ma­tion can be dis­played by ad­ding the fol­lowing   #
      #      line of code:                                                                       #
      #      ${co­lor2}${ups­pe­ed­graph wlan0 FFFF00 FF0000}${color}                                #
      #   -> ‘FFFF00′ and ‘FF0000′ are HEX color codes and can be re­placed with wha­tever co­lors  #
      #      you like.  Goto www.​graphviz.​org/​doc/​info/​colors.​html for color in­for­ma­tion (hold   #
      #      mouse over color to see HEX code for that color). if­config -a                       #
      #                                                                                          #
      Pri­vate IP:${alignr}${addr eth0}
      ${ou­tli­ne­color black}${co­lor1}${font Hey­dings Icons:bold:size=8}d${ou­tli­ne­color}${font Mo­no­fonto:bold:size=7}  ${voffset -2}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} == 0}${co­lor6}|||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 19}${co­lor5}|${co­lor6}||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 38}${co­lor5}||${co­lor6}|||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 58}${co­lor5}|||${co­lor6}||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 77}${co­lor5}||||${co­lor6}|||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 96}${co­lor5}|||||${co­lor6}||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 115}${co­lor5}||||||${co­lor6}|||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 134}${co­lor5}|||||||${co­lor6}||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 154}${co­lor5}||||||||${co­lor6}|||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} <= 173}${co­lor5}|||||||||${co­lor6}||${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} < 192}${co­lor5}||||||||||${co­lor6}|${color}${else}${if_­match ${downs­peedf eth0} >= 192}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${color}${else}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${font} ${alignr}${font Al­fios:size=9}${to­tal­down eth0}   ${font}
      ${ou­tli­ne­color black}${co­lor1}${font Hey­dings Icons:bold:size=8}u${ou­tli­ne­color}${color}${font Mo­no­fonto:bold:size=7}  ${voffset -2}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} == 0}${co­lor6}|||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 4.8}${co­lor5}|${co­lor6}||||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 9.6}${co­lor5}||${co­lor6}|||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 14}${co­lor5}|||${co­lor6}||||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 19}${co­lor5}||||${co­lor6}|||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 24}${co­lor5}|||||${co­lor6}||||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 29}${co­lor5}||||||${co­lor6}|||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 34}${co­lor5}|||||||${co­lor6}||||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 38}${co­lor5}||||||||${co­lor6}|||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} <= 43}${co­lor5}|||||||||${co­lor6}||${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} < 48}${co­lor5}||||||||||${co­lor6}|${color}${else}${if_­match ${ups­peedf eth0} >= 48}${co­lor5}|||||||||||${color}${else}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${endif}${font}${alignr}${font Al­fios:size=9}${to­talup eth0}   ${font}
      #                                                                                          #
      #  Sixth TEXT code block dis­plays Music info from Pithos:                                  #
      #   -> Re­quires ins­tal­la­tion of pithos and php5-cli to run a php script                    #
      #        http://​kevinmehall.​net/​p/​pithos/​                                                  #
      #        sudo apt-get ins­tall php5-cli                                                     #
      #                                                                                          #
      #${if_empty ${exec pgrep pithos}}${else}
      #Pithos${font Al­fios:size=9}
      #${co­lor1}Song: ${color}${execp php ~/Do­cu­ments/Conky/Main/pithos.​php ‘title’}
      #${co­lor1}Ar­tist: ${color}${execp php ~/Do­cu­ments/Conky/Main/pithos.​php ‘ar­tist’}
      #${co­lor1}Album: ${color}${execp php ~/Do­cu­ments/Conky/Main/pithos.​php ‘album’}${font}
      #                                                                                          #
      #  Se­venth TEXT code block dis­plays a Ca­lendar:                                            #
      #   -> Ca­lendar re­quires use of a mono font for proper spa­cing of num­bers and le­ters       #
      #                                                                                          #
      ${execpi 600 date +”%B”} ${execpi 600 date +”%Y”}${alignr}${execpi 15 date +”%l:%M %p”}
      ${voffset -5}${co­lor1}${hr 1}${color}
      ${font Mo­no­fonto:size=10}${execpi 600 DJS=`date +%_d`; cal -h | sed ’1d’ | sed s/”$DJS”‘\b’/’${ou­tli­ne­color}${co­lor1}’”$DJS”‘${ou­tli­ne­color}${color}’/}
      ${voffset -20}${co­lor1}${hr 1}${color}







Girl Alone








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