Leitores 128

Neste 128º ar­tigo da Série de Am­bi­entes de Tra­balho dos Lei­tores do Ubun­tued apre­sen­tamos-lhe 19 am­bi­entes de tra­balho sub­me­tidos pelos uti­li­za­dores do Fórum do Ubun­tued.

Esta se­mana ficou mar­cada por um pe­queno de­safio ini­ciado no Forum do Ubun­tued, re­la­tivo a quem con­se­guiria apro­ximar-se me­lhor a um mockup para o Win­dows 9, feito por um fã através do Pho­toshop. Os re­sul­tados foram ex­ce­lentes, tal como po­derá ver neste con­junto de am­bi­entes.

Para além dessas par­ti­ci­pa­ções, neste con­junto de am­bi­entes você po­derá en­con­trar os ha­bi­tuais Unitys e al­guns ou­tros am­bi­entes grá­ficos. En­con­trará também temas, wall­pa­pers, ícones e, claro, conkys.


Como fun­ciona esta série?

Esta série só existe porque os lei­tores do Ubun­tued par­ti­cipam de forma ativa para a manter ao mais alto nível! Por esse sim­ples mo­tivo a sua par­ti­ci­pação é muito im­por­tante! Como você pode par­ti­cipar? Muito sim­ples, vi­site esta pá­gina que dis­po­ni­bi­liza uma apli­cação (ver imagem abaixo) para agi­lizar o pro­cesso de par­tilha! E de­pois par­tilhe o seu vi­sual aqui:

Fórum do Ubun­tued: Mostre o seu Desktop!


Como está feito este ar­tigo?

Como é já comum nos ou­tros ar­tigos desta série, cada vi­sual apre­sen­tado neste ar­tigo é da res­pon­sa­bi­li­dade do seu Autor. Quer isto dizer que, se tem al­guma questão sobre esse vi­sual, o me­lhor será você ques­ti­onar di­re­ta­mente o Autor ou então em res­posta ao post que foi ori­gi­nal­mente apre­sen­tado por esse Autor.

Para esse efeito, em cada um dos vi­suais apre­sen­tados neste ar­tigo, você tem a opor­tu­ni­dade de ver a des­crição re­di­gida pelos Au­tores, o link para o local ori­ginal desse am­bi­ente (que você pode e deve aceder para ques­ti­onar algo), link di­reto para a pá­gina do uti­li­zador para o ques­ti­onar di­re­ta­mente. Re­la­ti­va­mente às ima­gens tri­di­men­si­o­nais apre­sen­tadas em al­gumas das par­ti­ci­pa­ções, se você quiser ver com me­lhor de­fi­nição os scre­enshots ori­gi­nais de­verá vi­sitar o link do local ori­ginal, in­ti­tu­lado: “Pá­gina deste am­bi­ente“.


Win­dows 9 Mockup

  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: Luis Car­doso
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: De­bian GNU/Linux 7.2 (wheezy)
  • Tema: zon­co­lor­Flat
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: Openbox
  • Ícones: Numix-uTouch
  • Wall­paper: Um dos que vem com o Mate
  • Ou­tros:
    • Openbox: Mur­rina-Tan­go­esque;
    • Compton: compton -cC -i 0.70 -e 0.30 -m 0.85 -b;
    • Lx­Panel: Em cima e ao lado;


KDE Fe­dora 20




W9 versão 2


De­bian 7 Wheezy KDE


Win­dows 9 – Re­visão 4

  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: yury­ro­dri­gues
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: Man­jaro 0.8.7 As­cella
  • Tema: zon­co­lorXtra-Red­mond­Mo­dern
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: Openbox
  • Ícones: Tre­villa-Ti­le­sI­cons
  • Wall­paper: Mar
  • Ou­tros:
    • Openbox: Adwaita-openbox (Mo­di­fi­cado):
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      !! Onyx by Dana Jansens
      !! inspired by "Carbon" by p0ng, and the ever so popular Vista glass look
      !! Menu border
      menu.​border.​width: 1
      menu.​border.​color: #A0A0A0

      !! Menu back­ground
      menu.​items.​bg:​ flat
      menu.​items.​bg.​color: #FFFFFF

      !! Menu text
      menu.​items.​text.​color: #313739
      menu.​items.​justify: left
      menu.​items.​disabled.​text.​color: #C1C1C1

      !! Menu he­a­ders
      menu.​title.​bg:​ flat
      menu.​title.​bg.​color: #FFFFFF
      menu.​title.​text.​color: #313739
      menu.​title.​text.​justify: center

      !! Se­lected menu item
      menu.​items.​active.​bg:​ flat
      menu.​items.​active.​bg.​color: #4A90D9
      menu.​items.​active.​text.​color: #FFFFFF

      !! Ti­tlebar
      window.​active.​title.​bg:​ flat
      window.​active.​title.​bg.​color: #8d8d8b
      window.​inactive.​title.​bg:​ flat
      window.​inactive.​title.​bg.​color: #8d8d8b

      !! Ti­tlebar text
      window.​label.​text.​justify: center
      window.​active.​label.​bg:​ pa­ren­tre­la­tive
      window.​active.​label.​text.​color: #FFFFFF
      window.​inactive.​label.​bg:​ pa­ren­tre­la­tive
      window.​inactive.​label.​text.​color: #FFFFF

      !! Window but­tons
      window.*.button.*.bg: pa­ren­tre­la­tive
      #window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​bg:​ flat split­ver­tical gra­dient
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​hover.​bg:​ pa­ren­tre­la­tive
      window.*.button.*.​pressed.​bg:​ flat split­ver­tical gra­dient border

      #window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​bg.​color: #DDDDDD
      #window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​bg.​colorTo: #DDDDDD
      #window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​bg.​color.​splitTo: #FFFFFF
      #window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​bg.​colorTo.​SplitTo: #FFFFFF
      window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​image.​color: #000000
      #window.​active.​button.*.​hover.​bg.​border.​color: #A0A0A0

      window.​active.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​color: #91918f
      window.​active.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​colorTo: #91918f
      window.​active.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​color.​splitTo: #91918f
      window.​active.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​colorTo.​SplitTo: #91918f
      window.​active.​button.*.​pressed.​image.​color: #000000
      window.​active.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​border.​color: #91918f
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​color: #91918f
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​colorTo: #91918f
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​color.​splitTo: #91918f
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​colorTo.​SplitTo: #91918f
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​pressed.​image.​color: #000000
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​pressed.​bg.​border.​color: #91918f

      window.​active.​button.*.​image.​color: #FFFFFF
      window.​active.​button.​disabled.​image.​color: #C1C1C1
      window.​inactive.​button.*.​image.​color: #FFFFF
      window.​inactive.​button.​disabled.​image.​color: #C1C1C1

      !! Bor­ders
      window.​active.​border.​color: #FFFFFF
      window.​inactive.​border.​color: #FFFFFF
      window.*.​title.​separator.​color: #FFFFFF
      border.​width: 1
      padding.​width: 2
      window.​handle.​width: 0
      window.​active.​client.​color:  #EDEDED
      window.​inactive.​client.​color:  #EDEDED
      window.​client.​padding.​width: 0
      window.​client.​padding.​height: 1
      menu.​overlap: 0

      !! Font sha­dows

      !! On-screen dis­plays
      osd.​border.​width: 0
      osd.​order.​color: #313739
      osd.​bg:​ flat
      osd.​bg.​color: #313739
      osd.​bg.​colorTo: #313739
      osd.​label.​text.​color: #FFFFFF
      osd.​hilight.​bg:​ raised
      osd.​unhilight.​bg:​ flat
      osd.​hilight.​bg.​color: #4A90D9
      osd.​unhilight.​bg.​color: #747474

    • Compton:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      # Shadow
      shadow = true;         # Enabled client-side shadows on windows.
      no-dock-shadow = true;      # Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows.
      no-dnd-shadow = true;      # Don't draw shadows on DND windows.
      clear-shadow = true;      # Zero the part of the shadow's mask behind the
      # window. Fix some weirdness with ARGB windows.
      shadow-radius = 7;      # The blur radius for shadows. (default 12)
      shadow-offset-x = -10;      # The left offset for shadows. (default -15)
      shadow-offset-y = -10;      # The top offset for shadows. (default -15)
      shadow-opacity = 0.3;      # The translucency for shadows. (default .75)
      # shadow-red = 0.0;      # Red color value of shadow. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)
      # shadow-green = 0.0;      # Green color value of shadow. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)
      # shadow-blue = 0.0;      # Blue color value of shadow. (0.0 - 1.0, defaults to 0)
      shadow-exclude = [ "g:si:xfce4-noti","n:e:Notification","g:si:conky" ];   # Exclude conditions for shadows.
      # shadow-exclude = "n:e:Notification";
      shadow-ignore-shaped = true;   # Avoid drawing shadow on all shaped windows
      # (see also: --detect-rounded-corners)
      # Opa­city
      menu-opa­city = 0.95;         # The opa­city for menus. (de­fault 1.0)
      inac­tive-opa­city = 0.70;         # De­fault opa­city of inac­tive win­dows. (0.0 – 1.0)
      ac­tive-opa­city = 1.0;         # De­fault opa­city for ac­tive win­dows. (0.0 – 1.0)
      frame-opa­city = 0.85;         # Opa­city of window ti­tle­bars and bor­ders. (0.1 – 1.0)
      inac­tive-opa­city-over­ride = false;   # Let inac­tive opa­city set by ‘inac­tive-opa­city’ over­rides
      # value of _NET_WM_O­PA­CITY. Bad choice.
      alpha-step = 0.06;         # XRender bac­kend: Step size for alpha pic­tures. In­cre­a­sing
      # it may re­sult in less X re­source usage,
      # Yet fa­ding may look bad.
      # inac­tive-dim = 0.2;         # Dim inac­tive win­dows. (0.0 – 1.0)
      # inac­tive-dim-fixed = true;      # Do not let dim­ness ad­just based on window opa­city.
      # blur-back­ground = true;      # Blur back­ground of trans­pa­rent win­dows.
      # Bad per­for­mance with X Render bac­kend.
      # GLX bac­kend is pre­ferred.
      # blur-back­ground-frame = true;      # Blur back­ground of opaque win­dows with trans­pa­rent
      # frames as well.
      blur-back­ground-fixed = false;      # Do not let blur ra­dius ad­just based on window opa­city.
      blur-back­ground-ex­clude = [ "win­dow_type = 'dock'", "win­dow_type = 'desktop'" ];
      # Ex­clude con­di­tions for back­ground blur.

      # Fa­ding
      fa­ding = true;         # Fade win­dows du­ring opa­city changes.
      #fade-delta = 30;      # The time between steps in a fade in mil­li­se­conds. (de­fault 10).
      fade-in-step = 0.06;      # Opa­city change between steps while fa­ding in. (de­fault 0.028).
      fade-out-step = 0.06;      # Opa­city change between steps while fa­ding out. (de­fault 0.03).
      # no-fa­ding-open­close = true;   # Avoid fade win­dows in/out when ope­ning/clo­sing.
      fade-ex­clude = [ ];      # Ex­clude con­di­tions for fa­ding.

      # Other
      bac­kend = “glx”      # Bac­kend to use: “xrender” or “glx”. GLX bac­kend is ty­pi­cally
      # much faster but de­pends on a sane driver.
      mark-wmwin-fo­cused = true;   # Try to de­tect WM win­dows and mark them as ac­tive.
      mark-ovredir-fo­cused = true;   # Mark all non-WM but over­ride-re­di­rect win­dows ac­tive (e.g. menus).
      use-ewmh-ac­tive-win = true;   # Use EWMH _NET_WM_AC­TI­VE_WINDOW to de­ter­mine which window is fo­cused
      # ins­tead of using Fo­cusIn/Out events. Usu­ally more re­li­able but
      # de­pends on a EWMH-com­pliant WM.
      de­tect-rounded-cor­ners = true;   # De­tect rounded cor­ners and treat them as rec­tan­gular when –shadow-ig­nore-shaped is on.
      de­tect-client-opa­city = true;   # De­tect _NET_WM_O­PA­CITY on client win­dows, useful for window
      # ma­na­gers not pas­sing _NET_WM_O­PA­CITY of client win­dows to frame
      # Un­re­di­rect all win­dows if a full-screen opaque window is de­tected, to ma­xi­mize per­for­mance for full-screen win­dows, like games.
      # Known to cause flic­ke­ring when re­di­rec­ting/un­re­di­rec­ting win­dows.
      # win­dows.
      re­fresh-rate = 0;      # For –sw-opti: Spe­cify re­fresh rate of the screen. 0 for auto.
      vsync = “none”;         # “none”, “drm”, “opengl”, “opengl-oml”, “opengl-swc”, “opengl-mswc”
      # See man page for more de­tails.
      dbe = false;         # Enable DBE pain­ting mode. Ra­rely ne­eded.
      paint-on-overlay = true;   # Pain­ting on X Com­po­site overlay window. Re­com­mended.
      sw-opti = false;      # Limit compton to re­paint at most once every 1 / re­fresh_­rate.
      # In­com­pa­tible with cer­tain VSync methods.
      un­redir-if-pos­sible = true;   # Un­re­di­rect all win­dows if a full-screen opaque window is
      # de­tected, to ma­xi­mize per­for­mance for full-screen win­dows.
      focus-ex­clude = [ ];      # A list of con­di­tions of win­dows that should always be con­si­dered
      # fo­cused.
      de­tect-tran­sient = true;   # Use WM_­TRAN­SI­ENT_FOR to group win­dows, and con­sider win­dows in
      # the same group fo­cused at the same time.
      de­tect-client-le­ader = false;   # Use WM_­CLI­ENT_­LE­ADER to group win­dows.
      in­vert-color-in­clude = [ ];   # Con­di­tions for win­dows to be painted with in­verted color.

      # GLX bac­kend         # GLX bac­kend fine-tune op­tions. See man page for more info.
      glx-no-stencil = true;   # Re­com­mended.
      glx-copy-from-front = false;   # Useful with –glx-swap-method,
      # glx-use-copy­sub­buf­fer­mesa = true; # Re­com­mended if it works. Breaks VSync.
      # glx-no-re­bind-pixmap = true;   # Re­com­mended if it works.
      glx-swap-method = “un­de­fined”;   # See man page.

      # Window type set­tings
      to­oltip = { fade = true; shadow = false; opa­city = 0.75; focus = true; };
      # fade: Fade the par­ti­cular type of win­dows.
      # shadow: Give those win­dows shadow
      # opa­city: De­fault opa­city for the type of win­dows.
      # focus: Whether to always con­sider win­dows of this type fo­cused.

    • Lx­Panel: Barra do Topo;
    • Tint2: Es­con­dido. Para co­locar a borda branca no Lx­Panel.
    • Cairo-Dock


Ce­le­brando o Verão




My Gnome (Classic ver­sion)


Man­jaro Linux OS


Onde a vida não de­veria ter chance…





  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: yury­ro­dri­gues
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: Man­jaro 0.8.7 As­cella
  • Tema OB: Just Black 3 (Mo­di­fi­cado)
  • Tema GTK: exouris (Mo­di­fi­cado)
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: LXDE
  • Ícones: zon­co­lorMix-Yel­low­Tur­quoise
  • Wall­paper: Yellow
  • Ou­tros:
    • Compton
    • Thunar
    • Ter­mi­nator
    • Tint2
    • Conky:
      • Flat Conky:
        Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
        background yes
        use_xft yes
        xftfont BankGothic Lt BT:size=8.4
        xftalpha 3.0
        up­da­te_in­terval 1.0
        to­tal_­run_­times 0
        draw_shades no
        draw_ou­tline no
        draw_­bor­ders no
        draw_­graph_­bor­ders no

        mi­ni­mum_­size 1280 0

        own_window yes
        own_win­dow_type normal
        own_win­dow_­trans­pa­rent no
        own_win­dow_hints un­de­co­rate,sticky,skip_­taskbar,skip_­pager,below
        own_win­dow_­co­lour 242424

        no_­buf­fers yes
        de­fault_­color d49e4e
        co­lor1 ee­eeee
        align­ment top_­left
        im­lib_­ca­che_­size 0

        gap_x 8
        gap_y 5

        ${alignc} ${color}Kernel ${co­lor1}$kernel      ${color } ${time %A} ${co­lor1} ${time  %d.%m.%Y}       ${color}Arq ${co­lor1}$ma­chine        ${color}IP ${co­lor1}${execi 1 ./ip.​sh}${color} ${co­lor1}${execi 3 #ya­ourt -Qu | wc -l | tail}       ${color}Home ${co­lor1}${fs_used /home}/${fs_­size /home} / Libre ${fs_­fre­e_­perc /home}%       ${color}Cpu ${co­lor1} ${cpu cpu0}%  ${color}${freq}MHz${co­lor1} ${cpu cpu1}% ${cpu cpu2}%       ${color}Mem ${co­lor1}$mem/$memmax / $mem­perc%


Le­ather Black

  • Pá­gina do Am­bi­ente de Tra­balho
  • Autor: ed­gar­guedes
  • Sis­tema Ope­ra­tivo: Lu­buntu 13.10
  • Tema: Me­di­ter­ra­nean Dar­kest
  • Am­bi­ente Grá­fico: Lu­buntu
  • Ícones: Fai­ence Claire
  • Ou­tros:
    • Docky;
    • compton;
    • Fi­cheiro “Gotham”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      use_xft yes
      xftfont 123:size=8
      xftalpha 0.1
      update_interval 1
      total_run_times 0
      own_window yes
      own_win­dow_type normal
      own_win­dow_­trans­pa­rent yes
      own_win­dow_hints un­de­co­rated,below,sticky,skip_­taskbar,skip_­pager

      dou­ble_­buffer yes
      #mi­ni­mum_­size 250 5
      #ma­xi­mum_width 500
      draw_shades no
      draw_ou­tline no
      draw_­bor­ders no
      draw_­graph_­bor­ders no
      de­fault_­color white
      de­fault_sha­de_­color red
      de­fault_ou­tli­ne_­color green
      align­ment top_­right
      gap_x -120
      gap_y 40
      no_­buf­fers yes
      up­per­case no
      cpu_avg_­sam­ples 2
      net_avg_­sam­ples 1
      over­ri­de_utf8_­lo­cale yes
      use_s­pacer yes

      mi­ni­mum_­size 0 0
      own_win­dow_argb_­vi­sual yes
      own_win­dow_argb_­value 0

      own_win­dow_­co­lour 000000
      ${voffset 10}${color EA­EAEA}${font GE Ins­pira:pi­xel­size=120}${time %H:%M}${font}${voffset -84}${offset 10}${color FFA300}${font GE Ins­pira:pi­xel­size=42}${time %d} ${voffset -15}${color EA­EAEA}${font GE Ins­pira:pi­xel­size=22}${time  %B} ${time %Y}${font}${voffset 24}${font GE Ins­pira:pi­xel­size=58}${offset -148}${time %A}${font}
      ${voffset 12}${offset 12}${font Ubuntu:pi­xel­size=14}${color FFA300}HD ${offset 9}$color${fs_­free /} / ${fs_­size /}${offset 30}${color FFA300}RAM ${offset 9}$color$mem / $memmax${offset 30}${color FFA300}CPU ${offset 9}$color${cpu cpu0}%

    • Fi­cheiro “week temp”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      use_xft yes
      # Conky settings #
      background yes
      update_interval 1
      double_buffer yes
      no_buffers yes
      # Window spe­ci­fi­ca­tions #
      gap_x 72
      gap_y 190
      mi­ni­mum_­size 180 150
      ma­xi­mum_width 500
      own_window yes
      own_win­dow_type conky
      own_win­dow_­trans­pa­rent yes
      own_win­dow_hints un­de­co­rate,sticky,skip_­taskbar,skip_­pager,below
      #own_win­dow_argb_­vi­sual yes
      #own_win­dow_argb_­value 0
      #bor­der_­margin 0
      #bor­der_in­ner_­margin 0
      #bor­der_ou­ter_­margin 0
      #align­ment top_­left

      # Graphics set­tings #
      draw_shades no
      draw_ou­tline no
      draw_­bor­ders no
      draw_­graph_­bor­ders no

      # Text set­tings #
      use_xft yes
      xf­talpha 0
      xft­font Open Sans Light:size=10

      over­ri­de_utf8_­lo­cale yes

      im­lib_­ca­che_­size 0

      # Color scheme #
      de­fault_­color FFFFFF

      co­lor1 FFFFFF
      co­lor2 FFFFFF
      co­lor3 FFFFFF
      co­lor4 FFFFFF
      co­lor5 FFFFFF
      co­lor6 FFFFFF
      co­lor7 333333

      align­ment top_­right
      own_win­dow_argb_­vi­sual yes
      own_win­dow_­co­lour 000000
      own_win­dow_argb_­value 0


      ${goto 150}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “high=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==2′}°${goto 250}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “high=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==3′}°${goto 350}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “high=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==4′}°${goto 450}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “high=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==5′}°${font Ra­lewayGE Ins­pira:size=10}${goto 180}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “low=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==2′}°${goto 280}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “low=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==3′}°${goto 380}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “low=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==4′}°${goto 480}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “low=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==5′}°
      ${font Ra­lewayGE Ins­pira:size=10}${goto 150}${execi 300 date –date=’1 day’ +”%a”}${goto 250}${execi 300 date –date=’2 day’ +”%a”}${goto 350}${execi 300 date –date=’3 day’ +”%a”}${goto 450}${execi 300 date –date=’4 day’ +”%a”}
      ${font Ra­lewayGE Ins­pira:size=15}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-we­ather-icons/$(grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “code=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==2′).png ~/.cache/weather-2.​png}${image ~/.cache/weather-2.​png -p 110,30 -s 32×32}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-we­ather-icons/$(grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “code=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==3′).png ~/.cache/weather-3.​png}${image ~/.cache/weather-3.​png -p 210,30 -s 32×32}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-we­ather-icons/$(grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “code=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==4′).png ~/.cache/weather-4.​png}${image ~/.cache/weather-4.​png -p 310,30 -s 32×32}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-we­ather-icons/$(grep “ywe­ather:fo­re­cast” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “code=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*” | awk ‘NR==5′).png ~/.cache/weather-5.​png}${image ~/.cache/weather-5.​png -p 410,30 -s 32×32}${voffset -10}

    • Fi­cheiro “big temp”:
      Có­digo: Se­le­ci­onar todos
      use_xft yes
      # Conky settings #
      background yes
      update_interval 1
      double_buffer yes
      no_buffers yes
      # Window spe­ci­fi­ca­tions #
      gap_x 50
      gap_y 220
      mi­ni­mum_­size 230 200
      ma­xi­mum_width 500
      own_window yes
      own_win­dow_type conky
      own_win­dow_­trans­pa­rent yes
      own_win­dow_hints un­de­co­rate,sticky,skip_­taskbar,skip_­pager,below
      #own_win­dow_argb_­vi­sual yes
      #own_win­dow_argb_­value 0
      #bor­der_­margin 0
      #bor­der_in­ner_­margin 0
      #bor­der_ou­ter_­margin 0
      #align­ment top_­left

      # Graphics set­tings #
      draw_shades no
      draw_ou­tline no
      draw_­bor­ders no
      draw_­graph_­bor­ders no

      # Text set­tings #
      use_xft yes
      xf­talpha 0
      xft­font Open Sans Light:size=10

      over­ri­de_utf8_­lo­cale yes

      im­lib_­ca­che_­size 0

      # Color scheme #
      de­fault_­color FFA300

      align­ment top_­right
      own_win­dow_argb_­vi­sual yes
      own_win­dow_­co­lour 000000
      own_win­dow_argb_­value 0

      ${execi 300 curl -s “http://​weather.​yahooapis.​com/​forecastrss?​w=750832&​u=c” -o ~/.cache/weather.​xml}${font GE Ins­pira:size=28}
      ${goto 440}${execi 300 grep “ywe­ather:con­di­tion” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “temp=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*”}°
      ${font Ra­lewayGE Ins­pira:size=8}${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky-we­ather-icons/$(grep “ywe­ather:con­di­tion” ~/.cache/weather.​xml | grep -o “code=\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “\”[^\"]*\”” | grep -o “[^\"]*”).png ~/.cache/weather-1.​png}${image ~/.cache/weather-1.​png -p 380,50 -s 48×48}


Me di­virto, usando Ubuntu – Unity






Co­lorful Mate


Black Mer­cedes


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muito bom
O tema estilo windows 9 ficou muito bom! impressionante!
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gostaria de saber como posso produzir meus propios temas

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